Descriptive Essay: Coming To School

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Descriptive Essay Just like almost every kid, I dread coming to school every day. It is something about waking up early in the morning and going to a place that I don’t like half of the people, just doesn’t get me excited. I would rather stay home and watch some movies & take a nap, but that doesn’t seem like an option. I wake up at 6 A.M. to the loud, obnoxious alarm going off. I have about six alarms set. I continue to lay in my bed till 6:20. This almost defeats the point of waking up at 6 because I get nothing accomplished throughout those 20 minutes. I then start to get ready. This consists of putting on clothes, brushing my hair & my teeth, and making myself something for breakfast. My breakfast can range from an apple to a protein …show more content…

Second period I have genetics. I hate this class. This class is horrible because there is a total of 10 people in it and I don’t know any of them. Third period I have anatomy with my best friend Ashley. I like having her in this class because I struggle with it sometimes. All the muscles and bones don’t necessarily click in my head right away, but they do eventually. After anatomy, I don’t have a far walk to U.S history because it is only a few doors away. Ashley is also in this class with me. It is such an easy class because I have it with Mr. Huff and he is very laid back. We have a lot of fun in that class because we all have very different opinions. I don’t have a gym class, but sometimes I think the flight of stairs all the way up to math is enough for me. Math comes very easy to me so I find this class very boring. I tend to find myself teaching and helping other students in the class, then learning. I start to get hungry around this time, so it’s a good thing lunch is next. The smell of the schools’ lunch is very deceiving because the smell does not describe the taste of it. Sometimes the lunches scare me because I don’t understand how they come up with those things. I try to pack my own lunches so I have food that I like to eat and they also tend be healthier than what the school would serve me. After lunch, I have another long haul down to Spanish. Spanish is a very easy class but I get distracted very easily because there is a lot of people that I know in it. Finally, my last period of the day is one of the hardest. I have CNA and it’s a college course, so of course it is going to be hard. It is set at a very fast paste. Sometimes I don’t retain the information as well because of this. Also, we never get homework, so I assign myself homework to go home and read the chapter. When it is 2:20, I’m usually ready to go

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