Descriptive Essay About My Hometown

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On the outside looking in, my hometown may not seem like much. There are a few schools, companies, gas stations, and neighborhoods scattered about this small dot on the map, but the people and stories that call this place home are anything but small. While the endless stream of cars passes by on Highway 90, the onlookers only see a small community: quiet but constantly busy. They will never know of the endless stories that pump through the veins of this town, and for that, I pity them. They will never have the privilege of calling this place home, but on the bright side, I do.i As teenagers grow older in this town, a realization is made: there is nothing to do around here. Sure, there is a bowling alley, two movie theaters, and a respectful …show more content…

I have attended school in this town of mine for elementary school, junior high, and high school. These past 13 years of my life spent in school have been some of the greatest years of my life. Through the school system I have been able to develop my education, and most important of all: discover my love of music. In fifth grade, I decided to join the band program, which I now find to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. After all these years, I am still active in my school’s band program, and I will continue with my musical endeavors into college. The school band program has allowed me to develop and explore my love of music in so many ways. From sitting under the hot light of a stage, to marching under the blinding lights of a football stadium, every performance has been a magical experience. The feeling of hearing the crowd roar in response to a certain part of a marching show at a high school football game is like no other. The adrenaline coursing through your veins as you march on and play your heart out as the community watches on in excitement is almost drug-like. The memories I have made in band are like no other. After endless hours of standing and marching in the hot sun, countless long bus rides home from football games, and four amazing experiences at the Louisiana Showcase of Marching Bands, I would not trade any of it for

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