Definition Of Special Education

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"It takes a special kind of person to care for a child with special needs" wrong, actually a child with special needs will inspire you to be a special kind of person. Special education refers to a range of social services provided mostly by public schools for people with disabilities. Special education offers different services depending on the special needs of the person. To sum up in this paper you are going to know the different teaching techniques, the technology specialized teachers use and how special kids respond to these kinds of programs.
Special Education Definition
Special education can be defined form so many perspectives, but the general one is the services provided from the society to others, especially kids with different abilities. …show more content…

The anxiety and frustration can decrease. Emotions are very important because not everyone accept them, sometimes they have experienced reject from others for example classroom partners, teachers and even their own parents because they experience a lot of stress and frustration , but many people are very compromised helping them so they can improve all their motor skills. The next phrase emphasizes what has been said: “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunders” – (Rumi, 1207)
This new era of technology in schools allow the student to get involved with others in regular classes instead of being sent to special programs away from their friends or people they are comfortable with because the kids have learned to be like any other student. Also, United States offered a free and appropriate public education to all students. In their homes it depends a lot in the care the parents give to him or her; also there are nurses than can take care of the children needs in their own house.

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