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Introduction of emotional development
Define special education and objectives
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"It takes a special kind of person to care for a child with special needs" wrong, actually a child with special needs will inspire you to be a special kind of person. Special education refers to a range of social services provided mostly by public schools for people with disabilities. Special education offers different services depending on the special needs of the person. To sum up in this paper you are going to know the different teaching techniques, the technology specialized teachers use and how special kids respond to these kinds of programs.
Special Education Definition
Special education can be defined form so many perspectives, but the general one is the services provided from the society to others, especially kids with different abilities.
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The anxiety and frustration can decrease. Emotions are very important because not everyone accept them, sometimes they have experienced reject from others for example classroom partners, teachers and even their own parents because they experience a lot of stress and frustration , but many people are very compromised helping them so they can improve all their motor skills. The next phrase emphasizes what has been said: “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunders” – (Rumi, 1207)
This new era of technology in schools allow the student to get involved with others in regular classes instead of being sent to special programs away from their friends or people they are comfortable with because the kids have learned to be like any other student. Also, United States offered a free and appropriate public education to all students. In their homes it depends a lot in the care the parents give to him or her; also there are nurses than can take care of the children needs in their own house.
(The requirement of designing special education services to meet a student’s unique needs is also found within the IDEA’s purpose section and its definition of “special education”.) In many situations where a student’s special education services may appear to be ineffective, an important question to ask is whether the student’s educational program has been sufficiently tailored to meet his or her unique special education needs.
Special needs is a generic term used in a clinical diagnostic and functional development to describe individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be a medical, mental, or psychological defect. Examples of disabilities include autism, Down syndrome, dyslexia, blindness and others. Statistics show that .14% of babies are born with Down syndrome, which is one in every 691 babies (Statistics of Children with SN). Although Down syndrome is a well-known problem and disability, professionals are trained to enforce verbal skills and symbolic play, as well as asking volunteers to participate in community involvement with special needs children.
Did you know that over two thirds of special education students receive services for non-mental health issues, among these students 17% have serious behavior as well as emotional issues compared to over 51% of special education students with mental health issues and 4% of students not in special education (Pastor and Ruben)? My research paper will first explain what Special Education actually is and it will focus on the issues that arise when disciplinary actions are called for and what is to be considered the most appropriate and effective forms of discipline in special education. It will also cover the most common issues that arise in special education as well as what strategies are effectively administered to solve these issues. My research paper will also take an in-depth look into special education students with non-mental health issues. It also will look at some misconceptions of special education students.
The topic I chose to write about is special education. In this paper I will be explaining what special education is, how to as a parent help your child with being in this program, how it helps the children, who you should talk to about getting your child in, expectations, deciding to put your child in special education, and how to take your child out if you are no longer wanting them in this program.
Special Education was one of those things I never truly understood as a student in the public school system. Who were these children that had to be taken out of the class for reading and math or who remained in a separate class all day? What was so “special” about them? Believe me, I could have tried to find out what was different about them and how they were taught anytime I wanted; my mom teaches Elementary Special Education. I always heard her throwing around terms like resource room and inclusion when she talked about work. But being the typical self-involved child that I was, I never listened to what she said about teaching or asked her more about her students. What I do know is that teaching Special Education involved a lot of ups and down. As a Special Education teacher, the specific tasks of my mom’s job change frequently. She has taught full-time special education classes, has worked with individual students in an inclusive setting, and most recently she teaches resource room. Now that I don’t have to listen to her work stories all the time, I find myself wanting to know more about what special education entails. What I discovered is that none of the methods utilized in Special Education are entirely right or wrong in addressing the educational needs of children with LD. Children with learning disabilities should be educated in the most appropriate way to meet their specific educational needs.
Emotions or one’s emotional state definitely affects how we function and interact with others, especially children. When a teacher is in a good mood, he/ she will exercise more energy and will display more patience with his/her students. This will have a positive affect on the clas...
My personal philosophy of special education drives not from teaching in the field, but from, observations, and personal experience, and the workshops I attended. I have had the opportunity to work with individuals with special needs in many different settings, all this help cultivate my knowledge in handling the needs of the special needed student. Special needs students have the ability to learn, to function, to grow, and most importantly to succeed. The difference comes into how they learn or how they need to be taught. There are as many beliefs about the "hows" as there are teachers and each of us forms our own philosophy through our experiences and research. As a student in a special education teachers’ program, learners with special needs includes all students in special education programs in the public school system or other appropriate settings. However, the students I would like to focus on in my career are students with learning disabilities and therefore when thinking about learners with special needs, my mind focuses on this population.
I have been a Special Education Para-Educator for eleven years now. My decision to do this was based on the needs of my family and kids. When my last child was born, the doctors did not think that he would make it. He had a heart malfunction and was born with RSV and Von Villibrantds disease (which I did not find out until he was three); those factors lead me to want to work with special education kids, knowing that I could make a difference.
Some special needs children share certain physical characteristics and/or patterns of learning and behavior. There are four major types of special needs in children: physical, developmental, behavioral/emotional, and sensory impaired. Physical disabilities include Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Asthma, Epilepsy, etc., developmental disorders include Down Syndrome, Autism, Dyslexia, etc., behavioral/emotional disorders include ADD, Bipolar, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, etc., and sensory impaired includes Blind, Visually impaired, Deaf, and Limited hearing. Symptoms of these conditions vary in severity and all of them require an individualized program of special education and related services to fully benefit from education. Knowing the limitations of every individual is essential and caregivers should be more aware of it, especially with special needs children (Heward,
What is special education? The common belief is that it a program only dedicated to helping students with disabilities, whether physical or mentally. This is not entirely accurate in regards of what special education is. While special education does provide assistance to students with disabilities ns meet their needs in quality education (Küpper 2009)—the program extends to all students facing difficulties keeping up with the pace of learning (Huerta 2009). This brings the next question onto the table: the importance of special education. Before 1970s, majority of students with disabilities were shun into isolation with little to no education in general classes (Bradley 2016). However, with the passage of Education for All Handicapped Children
Firstly, technology has made life easier for human kind in terms of education and work. Ever part of people’s daily lives is linked to technology in one way or the other. It just makes life easier and things quicker. Technology advances make people see how processes can be made actively and efficiently (Lynda Moultry Belcher, n.d.). For instance, by technological improvements of computers, nowadays, education has greatly enhanced. Students are able to learn and take exams by sitting and home and simply using their laptops or computers. This could highly help disabled people, children who live very far away from any school and who are living temporarily abroad. Other than homeschooling, nowadays technology ...
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation. (1994). The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/education/pdf/SALAMA_E.PDF
Over the last eight weeks this writer has learned a monument amount of knowledge in a short period of time. Each module and activity clearly defined each objective covered in the readings. Reflection plays a huge part in increasing one's self awareness, after having reflected on the course assignments writer is prepared to use the knowledge that they have attained. Having taken this course one feel comfortable utilizes the materials in the professional world successfully. Before taking this course many things about the laws and right guaranteed to students with disabilities were unclear. Knowledge is power and knowing has opened this writer up to understanding how a special educator a...
A child with a mental or physical disability may not be able to think, work, play, and function like other children of the same age. Someone working in the special needs career will be able to assist these children to function in their everyday lives and to meet goals to encourage them to thrive. In order for someone to work with special needs children, they need to understand the factors involved in a child’s improvement, have a heart for helping others, and be properly educated and trained.
There is so much to know about special education that is separate from teaching in a traditional classroom. One thing that has really stood out to me is how many acronyms and terminology these teachers need to know. IEP, LRE, IDEA, FAPE, IFSP, and that is just to name a few (DREDF, 2017). Special education teachers, really need to be knowledgeable about a ton of things. Not only all of the terminology associated with special education, but about disabilities and the best way to go about educating a child with disabilities. When working with children in special education, there will be students of all ages with all kinds of disabilities and different ability levels that you are teaching. It is important to know about each child’s disabilities, what they should be learning and how they should be learning it. There may be times that are challenging education students with disabilities, but when a teacher properly educates themselves on all the aspects of special education and the resources out there for them, it may help make your classroom run more smoothly and easier to