Definition Essay Family

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Family is one of the most diverse and dynamic concepts in existence. There are multitudes of factors that constitute ones personal beliefs on family and what it entails. My personal position on the matter is that family is a group of people, related either by blood or by sharing an extremely close bond by some other means, which are always there for each other and possess all the aspects of kinship. Like I mentioned above, everyone’s ideology of family is different; the way you’ve been raised, obstacles you’ve experienced, and even demographics all construct different opinions on what “family” is. I set out to understand others’ thoughts on what family is by interviewing three people: my girlfriend Alexis (age 19), my dad Rhett (age 45) and …show more content…

The textbook addresses this issue, stating that there is almost too much variety in “family” for it to be properly defined. Another large factor regarding family is something known as, “affiliated kin,” defined as, “unrelated individuals who feel and are treated as if they were relatives.” Affiliated kin can be anyone you treat as though they’re family, although you aren’t related through blood, such as: best friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, pets, teachers, neighbors, and many more. I would say affiliated kin is a gargantuan component as to why family is so difficult to define. I have many close friends that I, along with my family, consider to be a part of our family; even though they aren’t related to us through blood. While reading the text (The Family and Marriage Experience) I discovered that I have a fairly liberal understanding of family. Most people consider a “nuclear” family, the definition of family. A nuclear family is a family consisting of a mother, a father, and children. To take this even further, the

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