Social Life As A Social Institution

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Social Institutions Life and its functions are divided and categorized into different systems that define social life. These systems are called social institutions. The main purpose of a social institution is to organize and structure society for the benefit of its people. There are many different types of social institutions, such as, family, religion, education, and peer groups. They were all developed for different areas of life, but ultimately, work together to create social order within a society. Family is arguably the most important social institution in an individual's life. A family is defined as a group of individuals that are related through blood ties, adoption or marriage, that form an economic unit, where the adult members are responsible It allows people to gain knowledge on skills society deems important like the three R’s, which are, reading, writing, and arithmetic. Education also prepares young people on entry into adulthood and is therefore a form of socialization. An education system was developed in order for every child to be able to know basic skill sets before having to be on their own. This is a way to partially guarantee that the general populous of a society is educated on all the same basic functions. It allows a society to run more efficiently and effectively if everyone knows a standard amount of skills. Surprisingly, a basic education for all is a relatively new system. Before the 19th century, education was only reserved for the rich, white, upper class. Most jobs back then did not require an education or the ability to read and write. Education overall has had many positive effects on people’s lives. It is directly linked to the type of job a person has and the amount of money they make. For the most part, the better a person’s occupational status, the higher likelihood of a greater formal education, and with a better occupational status comes a better

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