Deena's Relationship With Hope

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The relationship between Hope and her mother, Deena, could be described as strained at best. Deena gave Hope up after she was born because she decided she wasn't ready to be a mom. Hope was a sickly baby and wasn't expected to live. When she did, Deena didn't knwo what to do with her. Thankfully, Deena's sister Addie had always wanted a child but couldn't have one of her own. Hope grew up living with Addie, and even though it wasn't the easiest life style on the planet, Hope loved her life and Addie. Hope was content living with Addie, but there was always a bit of resent towards her mother for giving her up. Deena was distant and almost never visited. When she did, it brought mixed emotions to Hope. She was part happy to see her mom still …show more content…

This gave Hope another reason to be angry with Deena. Hope thought that Tulip was completely the wrong name for her and so when she was 12, she got her name changed to Hope. One thing that Hope always looked forward to when her mom visited was her mothers waitressing tips. Waitressing was the one thing the two had in common and it was the string that kept them from drifting apart. Hope put down all of the good things her mom had done for her along with waitressing tips in a big book called Best of Mom. This was a reminder to Hope that even though her mom had given her up, she still cared. As Hope got older she started to realize that her mom hadn't given her up because she didn't want her, Deena had given up Hope because she wasn't ready to be a good enough mom for her. There was still a little bit of anger but now that Hope understood why she had been given up, much of the tension was gone. When Deena visited Hope in Wisconsin, Deena kept accidently calling Hope Tulip. This was annoying to Hope and brought back some of the anger she had let go. Deena and Hope's relationship was important to the story because if Deena had never given Hope up to Addie, there might have been a whole different

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