Melinda Turning Points Essay

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“The bruises are vivid, but they will fade”(198). Many different things in the character Melinda’s life created bruises that would eventually fade over time. She goes through many struggles in her life that she doesn’t really know how to deal with but she does her best and figures it out eventually. Many of these events are turning points that changed her life in more ways than she may have thought. Melinda’s identity in the book is shown through these many different turning points, some being art class, being raped, and her mom getting a new job as a manager. One major turning point in Melinda’s life is when her mom got a new job as a manager and started to spend more time worrying about the store than she did on her family, losing the importance …show more content…

Her views on Andy significantly change throughout the book and she starts to regain her strength that the rape completely stripped her off. While Melinda still is in search of her missing strength, the figure of Andy Evans is known as IT since she finds it hard to even acknowledge him after he raped her. After being missing the bus and deciding to skip school, Melinda goes to the nearby bakery and sees Andy Evans, she hides so that Andy hopefully does not see her. “[Andy] IT steps toward me, holding out the doughnut. ‘Want a bite?’ he asks. BunnyRabbit bolts, leaving fast tracks in the snow. Getaway getaway getaway. Why didn’t I run like this before when I was a one-piece talking girl” (97)? This quote describes how much Andy affected her and how she can’t even act naturally when he is around. She says how back then she was a one-piece talking girl which explains how she pretty much fell apart once the rape happened and changed her from one-piece to many different confused pieces. Melinda hides so that Andy doesn’t have to see her but, of course, she is found. Eventually, Melinda starts to gain her strength and is willing to start to come to terms with what happens, she starts to open up about it which is a big step for her. After Melinda’s possible new friend, Ivy, accidentally gets marker on her shirt, they go to the bathroom and try to wash it off, they talk about Andy Evans and all the bad he is. Melinda gets a marker and starts a conversation on the stall door on who should be stayed away from, under the list title she writes the name of Andy Evans. (175). This quote shows how Melinda finally is starting to get that strength and accept what had happened to her. Although she still is uncomfortable with the topic and knows that she will probably never fully get over it, she starts to become

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