Days Of Ignorance Before Islam

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Mut’ah was a term used for a form of temporary marriage prevalent in the Days of Ignorance before Islam, where a man would temporarily contract a woman for a fixed period, fulfil his lust with her, and divorce her at the end of the agreed period without any responsibility towards the woman whatsoever. The society in the Days of Ignorance before Islam had tried to give a legal veil to the abomination of zina and prostitution by various means, and the mut’ah was one of such veils. Islam removed all such veils from the abomination of zina and declared that the only legal way for a man and woman to enjoy conjugal relationships was for the man and woman to be legally wedded to each other in the marriage contract, where the man would shoulder the …show more content…

Presently, these arrangements are usually made by men to coerce and persuade women into a sexual relationship. Unfortunately, given the rise in high profile men, holding positions of power in a religious institution, leads me to further believe this act is a gateway to “religious prostitution.” This is an insult to the sanctity of marriage . The same practice is still available for men today, even if they aren't travelling or going to war. A man can make a contract with a woman to be his temporary wife for a certain period of time, which could be several hours, days, weeks or months. No witnesses are necessary for this contract to begin, as Allah and the Qur'an are considered to be the only witnesses needed. He must pay the "bride" in some way (dowry) and when the time period of the contract ends then the temporary marriage ends also and the woman is alone again. He could conceivably do this with as many women as he likes for the duration of his life. It is not unheard of for a man to be "married" to a number of wives at the same time for several hours, and then the relationship(s) is over.
Mut’ah marriage have plenty of benefits especially for the man. It has been said that some women who have no hope of a real marriage also benefit from these marriage contracts, because of the companionship they offer. It has also been said that most women in these very temporary relationships are being treated as prostitutes and being used as sexual objects . Of course, most women who have entered into these arrangements have little or no future hope of a life-long marriage because of the stigma placed on them for being in a temporary

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