Essay On The Spread Of Islam Dbq

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The Muslim Empire began to expand vastly under the Umayyads, with the empire becoming so large many people were converting to Islam religion. The Umayyads were the second of the four major caliphates after the death of Muhammad. The Empire used many different ways to spread the Islamic civilization consisting of war, classes, and appeal. The Islamic civilization spread so strongly because of the way it allured the common man.

Islam continued to spread by making the idea of being a Muslim sound great. The Muslim Empire didn’t force any Muslims to pay taxes(Doc 1). The idea of changing religions made a lot of sense money wise. The change to Islam was not a large difference, pray more, and eat a little less during sun up. The idea of going to paradise after your death seemed Marvelous (Doc 2). It also gave you an idea about fighting for the Muslim Army, if you died, you would be taken to Heaven with Allah and his Apostle. To some …show more content…

Tolerance started with the way the Qur'an forbade forced converts(World History 270). They had to let people continue to worship their own religions, could not make people worship Allah and the Qur’an. They were treated pretty nicely. After seeing the way people were treated, people would be much more open to switching religions. They did smartly restricted other religions to be spread. It helped them keep the numbers of Islam high because then the numbers of people converting to Christianity and Judaism was much smaller. Everyone could believe what they wanted to, if they wanted to worship something other than islam and keep their ancestral roots, they just had to pay taxes(Doc 5). When they paid their tribute they had to accept Islam too. But this was no small price for being guaranteed protection and not having to join the army. The Muslim Empire grew from the smart treatment of conquered people, bringing in the ideas of how friendly the Muslim culture

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