Dating and Marriage in Japan

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Japan Dating & Marriage Customs Project

Love is in the air. Although this may sound like a cliche it is true. Love is prevalent in every society all around the world. The feelings associated with love may be the same all over, but how love is approached can vary. Dating and marriage customs are different from country to country; Japan, in particular has very unique dating and marriage procedures. Japan is a located in Southeastern Asia. The Japanese tend to share some very different ideas concerning dating and marriage. However, some of our beliefs and morals have spread into the culture of the Japanese. Nevertheless, Japan holds strong to their roots and their unique culture. Similarly, we tend to narrow our beliefs on their ideas as looking through another paradigm from a different culture provides a glimpse into another society and how love is constructed and held together.
Here in America, in regards to dating and marriage, we are free to do whatever we please, anytime. Many people enjoy the feeling of spontaneity and randomness because of pure excitement. Newer and better things excite the folks these times and many times if you can kiss the mind, the heart will follow. However, in Japan, things can be very different. In Japanese culture, there is a “certain way” you must act, rules of society that can’t be broken. Otherwise, many people will think of you in a wrong way. To the Japanese, following tradition can be incredibly important in dating and marriage, as such, reputation is also important. Many times, the woman is to be submissive of the man. The man in a sense controls the relationship. He will be the one to say when the dates are, what the woman should do, what they should do, and similar aspects of dating. The Ja...

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...accustomed to what we have in the United States, it is also enjoyable to see how other cultures are formed and structured. That’s what makes other people love each other, it is how they are. How we are all different. The Japanese culture may be different, but to them it is their society and marriage and love is important to reputation and society.

Works Cited
"All About Japanese Dating." N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014.
"Japanese Dating Culture." Web log post., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.
Balaam, Dan. "How to Japan." Web log post. : How Does Dating Work in Japan?, n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Crawford, Colleen. "Dating Customs Around the World." Dating Customs Around the World., 3 Nov. 2010. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
"JAPANESE WEDDING." JAPANESE WEDDING. Mi Marketing, 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.

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