Cyberbullying Quotes

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If you don’t filter your mouth you won’t get far in life. If you do have a filter on your mouth then you will have a better quality of life. Quote from Albert Einstein, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”. This quote shows how you should talk and be respectful. Also, cyberbullying is another way you can filter what you type and say. You must learn how to talk respectfully. If you misuse your freedom of speech for the wrong reasons then you and the people around you will be affected in bad ways. Therefore, the world could change for the better if people had a filter on their mouths. Filtering your mouth is, talking respectfully and not cyberbullying. Also, they talk rude or cuss. If you don’t filter their mouth then they won’t be as approachable and will get in trouble more often. Some may say, “ You’ll drive a discussion,” (DeMers, Jayson) but if they are too brutally honest then people will find them disrespectful. Then, once you hear something you would obviously want to say it since you don’t have a filter. Therefore, you will start gossiping and that turns into bullying. If you truly want to give them advice then “ Ask for permission,”(PJVIncent) that is the best way to give someone constructive criticism. So, you can still have a filter on your mouth and …show more content…

First, “ Understand your next words,”(PJVIncent.) That means that if our about to say something make sure you put it in a nice respectful way. Second, your are about to give someone advice then, “Ask for permission,”(PJVIncent). Lastly, listen more instead of talk because that can give you more time to think of what your response is. As Bryant H. McGill says, “ One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”. Instead of being rude and disrespectful just try and filter more of the bad things out of your

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