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The Development of a Chicana/o Identity
Despite the many advances of modern society, especially in areas of scientific, artistic, and political pursuit, there still remains a gap in the fundamental knowledge of human interaction and development. This disconnect lies in the points of what is known and how this knowledge came into knowing, and if such information can be validate as truth and successfully applied. A more specific case, which will be the main focus of this paper, deals with the problem facing many who assert themselves as Chicana/o, figuring out just what a Chicana/o is. In this paper there will be research presented which has helped shed light and direct many on the matter but, as this research and as will be empirically shown with the case study, there still remains a complexity to the subject that has been escaping quantification. This lack of understanding can be dangerous for those you practice the methods of psychology because the results may have unintended consequences, especially for those who deal directly with patients. By providing the research with a case study the answer to whether such work is moving in the right direction and functioning may become clear to the reader.
Pizarro and Vera on Chicana/o Development
In the article provided by Marc Pizarro and Elizabeth Vera, entitled The Counseling Psychologist, they synthesis and develop much of the work that has been done by colleagues trying to identify the process by which a Chicana/o acquires their identity. The authors classify critical stages as youth, adolescents, and young adults, in which there are levels of development that occur as the individual person crosses certain thresholds in their life. However, they do stress the point that more resea...

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...lm of curanderismo can be misconstrued due to the ideas and images set upon by another culture. Many of the stereotypes that the author Avila mentions in her book, such as “a folkway” (p.4) and “the devil’s work” (p.5), are said to originate from the dominating culture that tried to paint these traditional practices in a bad light in order for the conquered people to practice the traditions of the dominating culture. An example of this can be drawn from the early attempts to push the dominance of the Catholic Church onto many of the natives, forcing them to assimilate and forget about their ancestral roots. Instead of this choice of either or, the idea of black or white, Elena and La Malinche reveal a choice of gray, one in which all of the choices are meshed together not in order to avoid one culture or the other, but to better and broaden their cultural horizons.

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