Cultural Diversity In Health Care

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Cultural Diversity Project
This research paper on cultural diversity has many aspects of traditional, modern, and systemic process in the health care.
Indian culture is a diverse culture comprising of many casts and languages. Hindi is the national language along with 1652 dialects. English is also being popularly used among educated class. Communication is a key factor to be considered by the healthcare workers when dealing with patients of Indian culture. It is very important to be respectful of patient wishes when dealing with the patient. For example these are types of communication which the patients maybe expecting from the caregiver.
“NAMASTE “– Folding hands and bowing head is the way of greeting strangers.
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Hindus request to die at home. The body is purified by doing Vedic prayers. A Brahmin (priest) is appointed to do those rituals. The body is purified by giving bath, putting on new clothes and sprinkling gangajal water from the holy river Ganga. Everyone wears white clothes during antima sansakar the last rituals. The body is than taken to the shamsan the place where cremation is done. Women are not allowed to go to the shamsan. The priest than bless the deceased by putting tusli leaf and gangajal into the mouth. The body is than cremated which is done by the eldest son. The ashes- ASTHI are than immersed in the …show more content…

Normally practiced to avoid appearance of the women before an unknown men. Another reason for the parda system is to limit a women’s access to power and to the control of vital resources.
There are thousands of cast and sub cast in India including hundreds of millions of people. In India the cast is also called Varna, jati, Biradri etc. Varna actually refers to the four main categories. The Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (Warrior class), Vaishya’s (Merchant class), Sudras (Laborer class). There was one another class which was excluded from the Varna system was the untouchables, which was legally abolished.
Indians follow Ayurveda & homeopathic medical practices as primary care before going a doctor. Some believe in spiritual healing which includes fasting, doing rituals & utterance of Vedic

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