Cultural Differences From Brazil To America

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Different time zones Traveling to different countries can be very challenging, especially in business. Anyone who travels from Brazil to America will find it fascinating and sometimes confusing to live and communicate with each other because of the many cultural differences; however, it would not take a long time before they realize that there are many similes and differences between them. Although Brazilian culture is different from the Americans, it is exciting to learn how they act. The business world is something universal which needs both parties to come together and understand each other; in order to succeed any international transactions both countries needs to be able to communicate in the best way. For example, business communication, …show more content…

For example, when meeting the person for business the first time, men will commonly shake hands uncomfortably hard and followed by a back-slapping or the touching of the forearm or elbow to show how powerful they are .For women, a kiss on the cheek is the more common form of greeting, as a way to connect on a personal level. Since they are a more of a touching society, people stand closely together when conversing or when standing; therefore, American are the opposite way making them more distance of others when meeting someone for the first time. At business meetings the handshake is required but not more than that. Any other action can be considered a trespassing of privacy like the kiss on the cheek for instance. Unlike Brazilians, Americans don’t like to stand too close to someone, especially in a business environment. It can be considered rude or invasive in the United States and it can lead to intimidation. Similarly, both countries are open to make a relationship with each other in a formal way, which is the smart way to approach not being rude. Gestures can communicate as effectively as

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