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Cultural Artifact Project Education is why people attend college, hundreds of thousands of students are thrown onto campuses across the world and get involved in various campus clubs; however, despite their vast amount of differences, these kids share one similarity, they all brought their video game console. On move-in day almost every dormitory has some kind of gaming console. It is a common denominator that students share, that they can bond over. The PlayStation 4 is of the latest generation of consoles and by some considered the premiere gaming console. The Sony PlayStation plays all the latest games in stunning quality, run apps seamlessly, and can play almost any media, it is the perfect media device for college. I chose the PlayStation 4 as my artifact because it is the computer that provides media and entertainment to the largest screen in a living space: the television. Having a beautiful eighty inch flat screen is useless without a device to play media. The PlayStation 4 is my device of choice to have connected to my TV. It is the jack of all trades, gaming on it is phenomenal, there is a Blu-ray player built in, and it has hundreds, if not thousands, of apps including Netflix. With a PlayStation 4 plugged into my TV I have access to endless amounts of content; A fundamental need to the college life. Before moving into the dorms at Michigan State, I had to do a lot of shopping in preparation for the transition. Prior to moving in I knew my room needed at least one console for the four of us (I live in a quad). Since none of my three roommates had one I decided to get one off amazon. It was nice in the summer having one, but now it was more of a necessity. Recently, the price of a new PS$ dropped to $300. It is an e... ... middle of paper ... ... selection, a classic that people of all ages and genders love. The similarities in interest in this show and many others have led to many Netflix sessions ended shorter than originally planned. The scenario: a guy or girl would invite a partner, or partners (It’s 2016), over to “chill” these people would end up deciding on a show to binge. After a given amount of time bit one thing would lead to another- hence the title of the phenomenon: “Netflix and Chill”. All made possible by the PlayStation 4. My experience at Michigan State University would not be the same if I had not bought my PlayStation last summer. Since that purchase I have watched many TV shows and movies with my roommates and friends and challenged many people to NHL and FIFA matches, all on my PlayStation 4. Without it, I would have missed out on so many friendships that I am grateful I have today.
One of the most well known figures of the twentieth century pottery world is Maria Martinez. Maria Martinez is a Pueblo Indian part of the San Ildefondo tribe. Pueblo pottery from the American Southwest holds a unique place in ceramic art forms of American art. It is full of age-old tradition and culture handed down form family members and potters of the past. The old Pueblo ways of creating it still hold true today and have not been changed or influenced like so many other styles in modern times.
In the Hawaiian culture, “Ohana” is a significant phrase referring to the bondage of family. There are many heritages across the world that have their own way of communicating that affection and showing their love to their own heritage. Hispanic heritage, for example, have the delicious food while other cultures have different focuses. Through heritage, communities find their niches in society to form an American Heritage. Though heritage exists through communities sharing a common culture, heritage definitely coincides with family and reigning stability within their niche. In the poem “Heritage” by Linda Hogan and the image “Mother Daughter Posing as Ourselves” by Elaine O’Neil, showing affection is one of the most prominent ways to communicate
Many people agree that Sony’s Playstation 4 is better than Microsoft’s Xbox One and vice versa. I have been gaming since I was seven years old and still am today. The first gaming console I ever had was the original Xbox. Throughout the years though, technology has improved vastly. The last generation of game consoles gave the industry a much needed boost and gave the consumer another commodity. With the eighth generation of consoles just arriving, a lot of people are wondering which console to buy. There is, however, more than just the choice of games. There’s differences in processors, graphics cards, hard drives, design, operating systems, ports, versatility, stability, controllers, and, of course, the games.
Transition: Just as the music score has many meanings as there symbols and markings on the sheet, I will talked about how I see myself in the classical music culture.
In this Paper I will be talking to you about the Next Generation Consoles and about all of their specifics. Next Generation Consoles are the newest and the best consoles and computers out there at this point in time. The consoles that will be my main focus in this paper are the, Xbox One and the PS4. The reason I picked these consoles instead of other consoles or computers is because I wanted to explain to you that these console were just not any other console, but a work of art instead.
Culture, a significant aspect of an individual identity, tending to be defined from your birth, woven by the gods: however, I defy the hand of fate by picking my own cultural identity... For why should I be forced into the culture that was imposed upon me, just because of my heritage, religion, beliefs, and customs; instead of discovering my own and being myself. I am to tell you the culture I subjugate myself into; a sub-genre of gaming and anime culture, collectively called otaku, and help broaden your mind to the new phenomenon of a different type of pop culture.
George Gustav Heye Center - The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian is a fascinating building at the Bowling Green area of Lower Manhattan. It’s close to Battery Park that displays an elegant view of the water. You can see ferries floating by headed towards Staten Island, since South Ferry Terminal is nearby. It allows you to appreciate the hidden gems of the city located in the outskirts Manhattan. One of those very treasures is the museum mentioned previously.
Jenna Ortega, who plays the role of young Jane in Jane the Virgin, says she is honored to work with someone like
A cultural artifact is something that does not come from nature, it is something that is invented or made and helps tell us about the way the world is. Cultural artifacts can be seen as a good and bad thing; depending on your generation or how you look at how the artifact being used. Cultural artifacts have changed the way the world is and the way the world works. For this paper, the cultural artifact the cell phone has changed the way we communicate and do business. Everything we need is just a few clicks away.
Tim Rose and his wife Natalie Rose have experienced many assumptions and stereotypical comments solely based on their appearances. Natalie is able-bodied, and Tim was born with cerebral palsy (Verstraten, 2014). The Roses have created the “Rose Centre for Love, Sex, and Disability” which aims to promote disability in a positive light, and educate disabled and able-bodied people around the topics of love, sex, and relationships (Verstraten, 2014). The chosen cultural artifact addresses the conversation of a romantic relationship between an able-bodied and a disabled person, and touches on the stigmatization surrounding this relationship. The cultural artifact is a Toronto Star news article titled “Surprise! Disabled People Have
The video gaming industry has come a long way from the first home based gaming system since the Magnavox Odyssey. Through the decades, the video game industry has rapidly improved the technology to home gaming, and made arcades nonexistence. The major video gaming titans of today are Nintendo, Microsoft Xbox, and Sony Playstation. These three have been in war with each other the past ten years, and neither show signs of defeat. However the two leading competitors of high sales in the gaming industry are Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation. Both developers have been head to head on technological advancements and consumer marketing. Sony uses their advanced design of game console and their secrecy of their project to entice consumers. Microsoft however tries to direct their marketing strategy towards consumers themselves. With different marketing planning, both companies still show success. Sony and Microsoft’s entire production unit were sold out when they were released at their release date.
For this assignment, I have selected my old Nintendo 64. It was purchased, I believe, back in 1999. Due to it being a game console, I’d say that the main use for it was to have fun with friends and family. At least that’s what I did with it back in my days a kid. I’d play games on it, from sun up to sun down. I have a lot of great memories playing it, just by myself and with my friends and family. It was the best way to spend a day, when you were a little kid in elementary school.
I love my PlayStation 4, like so many other fans I lined up at midnight to be one of the first to get home and get playing as soon as possible. I bought all the accessories that I painstakingly saved for and a whole bunch of games to play. This is not surprising when you consider the technical and physical prowess of the PS4, it is surprising however that up until this point their hasn’t been an awesome flagship exclusive title to drive the console home, other than a few pretty sweet indie titles. That is until March when infamous: Second Son releases in March.
Owning a gaming computer is one of the best investments a person can make in their life. Having a gaming computer can greatly influence one’s entertainment ranges and personal hobbies. Every gamer or anyone who occasionally games should have a gaming computer instead of a gaming console. A gaming console only provides people with basic programs and simple user interface while a gaming computer can be used for any needs one need. A gaming computer is one’s own cable box but better. Having a gaming computer you can have it fully customized to fit whatever theme you would like it to fit, can run many programs and other applications faster than a console, and can be loaded with a plethora of multiple useful programs one can use.
“Each piece of the past tells something of what we were or what we are. By enlarging our ties with past generations, we commit ourselves to future generations and we dignify the present.”