Critical Thinking Questions For The Catcher In The Rye

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Academic Information

1. What was your target grade for this course? How far above or below your target grade were you?

My target grade for this course was an 80%. My grade was 13 below my target grade.

2. List your strengths and weaknesses from the sheet and discuss how you have used your strengths to be successful and how you have improved in your weak areas.

On the sheet, my weakness was writing and my strength was reading. I have been reading to take the most out of it and the apply it to my writing and expand.

3. What attitude for learning in this subject did you choose from the sheet? How does a positive attitude (good, excellent) affect effort, practices and results for students?

My attitude for learning in this subject I chose is excellent.

My Goals

1. Write out each of your …show more content…

I did meet this goal because I wrote more and expanded more than last year.

I read everything and anything. I did meet this goal because I read anything that was asked of me.

2. Describe the literature that you liked the best or hated the least. Describe its characteristics that make you feel that way about it.

The book I liked the best was The Catcher And The Rye. The characteristics that made me feel this way about the book were, that it was less bland than other books with the insight inside his head made it a lot more interesting.

3. What assignment(s) are the most proud of? What was your mark in it(them)? Why do you think you got the result(s) you did?

The assignments that I am the proudest of are the Character Journal, Course Theme Video, and Science Fiction Genre Story. My marks in them were 92%, 84%, and 80%. I got a fantastic mark in the Journal because I was creative and included details from the story. For the Course Theme Video, my mark was great because I used common sense, it was humorous and I made some good points. With the Short Story, I had an interesting twist and overall it was a good story.


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