Cost Of Having A Pet

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Cost of Having a Pet by:Chloe Owning a pet is a serious financial and emotional commitment, you have to be committed before adopting a pet. Have you thought of adopting a pet or owning a pet? But not sure what it all entails. Before buying or adopting a pet make sure you know how much money you will need to spend,,don’t buy a pet if you know fore sure you are not financially ready or stable for the pet. So make sure you have enough money so you don’t go bankrupt, by adopting a pet.

Depending on the food you buy and how much the medical expenses are, the cost of a pet could become way over budget if you're not careful with the expenses. It is estimated the cost of owning a dog is $1,270. As you can see a pet can cost you over $1,000 in …show more content…

The pet is going to cost you a lot of money, not to mention a lot of time. If you are not fully prepared to pay for a pets needs and willing to spend a significant portion of your free time with the animal.There are thousands of dogs put to sleep every year because the owners no longer want them or can not afford them. On top of this, there are hundreds of thousands of dogs that live miserable lives without of exercise, interaction, socialization, and basic housing needs because people do not realize the time, commitment, or expense involved in owning and properly caring for a …show more content…

But in reality pets can leave a hole in your pocket, it is estimated that pets cost more than $41 billion dollars a year. Thats a lot of money to spend on pets. Here are some tips to help keep the cost of pets down. 1. Adopt vs. Buy. Many people are against are against adopting a pet pet from a shelter, due to the fact you know know almost know nothing about the animals past. 2. Save on Food. Feeding your pet can be very expensive, if you aren't careful go online to webpages of food companies, some websites have coupons that you can print to save 20%-40% off. A little bit of effort can save you money. 3. Groom at Home. Paying to get your pet groomed is expensive. If you can handle wrestling your pet a bit, buy a bottle of pet shampoo and bust out the pet comb. 4. Exercise! Vet bills are expensive so keep your pet healthy and happy by making sure it gets the right amount of exercise. 5. Stay Current on Shots and Pills. It is way cheaper if you pay little by little, for pets flea, tick and heartworm shots, than it will be in the future. 6. Vet Shop. Before going to the vet that is the closest to you, call around and compare prices. 7. Buy Pet Meds Online. Buying your pet's medication online can save you pretty pennies. 8. DIY Toys. Toys at a pet store or store can be expensive, and not all of them are made very well. You can but ropes for

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