Dog breed Essays

  • Dog Breeds: Akita

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    Akita History A breed that is native to Japan, this hunting dog dates all the way back to the 17th century. The name “Akita” comes from the mountain region where the breed originates. There, the Akita was called matagi, or “esteemed dog hunter.” In Japan, the breed is believed to be a symbol of good health, and is known as a loyal defender of the family. The Akita is the product of generations of selective breeding, and ownership was once limited to members of the Imperial family or Japanese aristocracy

  • Dog Breed Bans

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    surprise that the most popular pet in the United States is the dog. There are over 68 million dogs owned with a range of 130 dog breeds. Over the past ten years, it has become clear that the rate of dog bites has steadily been rising. There are over 4.7 million reported cases of dog bites each year in the United States alone. State officials have been hounding the dog world for years over this issue. Instead of blaming certain dog breeds for violence, people should instead be looking at the owners

  • Informative Essay On Dog Breeds

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    40 Dog Breeds You Need To Get To Know A Little More Today there are literally hundreds of different dog breeds so it's quite a hard choice to make when it comes to picking the dog that is just right for you. I mean, there are so many questions you need to ask yourself: Who are you as a person? Do you want a high or low energy dog? Do you want a small or big one? Do you like long walks? Do you want an easy dog to train? Do you have any children? Will you be going to best in shows with your dog? These

  • Attacking Dog Breeds: Truth or Exaggeration?

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    punched the dog in the mouth and bit off its ear when it attacked her little girl…both mom and daughter are recovering—and the brutal beast has been put down” ( This “vicious beast” is the criminal and the mother is no-doubt a hero. There’s no mother out there that would have done the same thing however, the way this article explains the story is sensationalized, the author clearly meant to demonize this dog. Stories like this have cast a shadow over the lowly pit bull breed and caused

  • Choosing the Best Dog Breed for Your Family

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    For millions of years dogs have remained a constant companion of man. Bred from the aggressive and formidable Gray Wolf tens of thousands of years ago the domestic dog now lives in many homes across the world. Where in the far distant past the domestic dog was bred as a guard animal, a beast of burden, and even a food source the dogs of today are bred for a far more endearing purpose-companionship and love. Finding a pet dog that is more of a joy than a chore is necessary when asking: How much

  • Exploring the Origins of Dog Breeds

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    The dog is a unique beast. Loyal and affectionate, if somewhat bizarrely built, today’s dogs are a far cry from the wild wolves from which they emerged. Whether fluffy, naked, cock-eyed, or bow-legged, each dog is an ample prototype of its kind. The very idea that such a cooperative creature could spring forth from such a ruthless predator is astounding by itself. The fact that the multitude of breeds (340, according to the World Canine Organization (Melina, 2014)) could starburst forth from a single

  • The History of the Modern Day Maltese Dog Breed

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    unknown. Many think that the Maltese came from Malta, because of the name. Others believe their ancestors came from the Sicilian town of Melita. Evidence supports both theories. In Sicily there is a town called Melita from where many lovely white dogs called Canis Melitei were exported. During the same era, Maltese were known on the island of Malta. The Roman governor, Publius, had a Maltese companion by the name of Issa. A poet in that time, Martialis, wrote about Issa. Issa is more frolicsome

  • Eight Stages of Genocide Compared to Dog Breed Bans

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    destroy, just because they were different. In comparison to BSL laws, we say that “ pit bulls”, rottweilers, and other so called aggressive breed dogs are dangerous compared to “regular” dogs who are not dangerous. The media makes this worse because they are constantly classifying these dogs as being nasty fighting dogs that are owned by gang members, drug dealers, dog fighters, thugs, and other persona non grata. The second stage that we can compare to genocide in the human world is symbolization.

  • The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier

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    These two breeds, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire Terrier are a great fit to family life. It been said that dog is man's best friend, and because of this, it makes them great companions. For instance, when an owner tells his dog that he is a good boy, the dog happily wags its tail. Then, there are those times when an owner has to discipline his or her dog; it creeps away with that sad puppy dog look. The Boxer, and the American Staffordshire Terrier; have some similarities, but are different

  • Springfield Terrier History

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    NORFOLK TERRIER Maxeen Hobson History The Norfolk Terrier is a British breed of dog. Prior to gaining recognition as an independent breed in 1964, - cite_note-The_Kennel_Club-1 it was a variety of the Norwich Terrier, distinguished from the "prick eared" Norwich by its "drop ears" (or folded ears) the Norfolk Terrier. Together, the Norfolk and Norwich Terriers are the smallest of the working terriers. In the 1880s, British sportsmen developed a working

  • Great Dane Description

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    The Great Dane projects elegance and its majestic stature give it the title ‘Apollo of Dogs’. It’s large, square-frame body and proportionally long and slender legs give the dog a powerful stride. Not only does the Great Dane hold the title ‘Apollo of Dogs’ but it has become famously well-known for its great size. As one of the largest breeds in the world, a male Dane can reach to 76cm tall and weigh 54 – 91kg as well as the female who can reach the height of 71cm tall and weigh anywhere between

  • Pug Essay

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone knows that all dogs have similarities, but they also have many differences. Each dog has a certain quality that makes them different. Some are hyper, and others are calm and relaxed. Different breeds may be aggressive or they may have a loving disposition. Each dog has certain abilities, but Pugs, Bulldogs, Beagles, and the Tibetan Spaniel are the best dogs for children. With a loving disposition and an even temperament Pugs are great for kids. The Pug breed is known to carry themselves

  • Golden Retriever Research Papers

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Golden Retriever is one of the most versatile dogs in the world. They are beautiful, intelligent, and very talented. They are lovable, irresistible, cute and cuddly. Golden Retreivers are considered to be excellent in companionship with children, being reliable, safe, and intelligent. They are appropriate for living in both an aparatment or house. Moreover their personalities are perfectly wonderful, considered to be cleaver,tender,nice tempered and well mannered. It has human charactwe features

  • Pup-Cake The Service Dog Case Study

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    by the mall santa in Mission Viejo, California last week because he was allegedly afraid of her service dog. The girl and her parents waited in line for over a half hour in anticipation to meet santa and sit on his lap. When the Santos Family approached santa, the young girl and her service dog were not received well and were turned away. The Santos family has had “Pup-cake”, the girls service dog, for many years and have never encountered a problem like this. The day of the incident, the Santo’s family

  • How To Save Puppy Supplies Essay

    1171 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ten Ways to Save Big on Puppy Supplies Owning you a sweet little puppy is the best thing in the world. But as any dog owner would appreciate, dog ownership doesn’t come cheap. Getting your first puppy can be especially taxing on the wallet – you don’t have any old equipment to use and you might be a bit unsure as to what are the essentials you need to purchase anyway. The good news is there are ways to save money on puppy supplies. In fact, there are quite a few options you should consider which

  • Addressing the Pit Bull Euthanization Dilemma in America

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    Dogs are a man’s best friend. If you go into many American’s homes you will find a furry four legged friend. Chances are if you watch television you have seen that ASPCA commercial with Sarah McLachlan’s “Arms of an Angel,” playing in the background. The most prominent dog in these heart wrenching videos are pit bulls. Pit bulls have a ferocious stigma in the United States and are being put down is mass numbers every day. Studies estimate that up to 1 million Pits are euthanized per year, or 2

  • Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    other dog receives more negative attention or media coverage than the American Pit Bull Terrier. For many years the media has led many to believe that pit bulls are a dangerous breed of dog. It seems like whenever a story of a dog attack is released it's about someone being a victim of a pit bull. The breed is the victim of careless owners and cruel breeders. This had led to the unfair stereotype put upon pit bulls. History: The pit bull was not always labeled as an aggressive dog. In

  • The Importance of Purebred Dogs by Babette Haggerty

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    Take a moment and picture a dog in your head. What do you see? You may see many different things depending on your own personal encounters with the species. There are many types of dogs out there. Some small, some large, long-haired or short-haired. There are many variances in what a dog can look like. One thing that does not change, or should not change, is the importance for every dog in this world to be given love and affection, no matter its characteristics. This is what leads me to believe that

  • Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

    1517 Words  | 4 Pages

    Any breed of dog can be taught to behave, but some breeds are used for the wrong thing which labels these helpless animals as “vicious” or “mean” or even “unteachable”. In America the most looked at dog is the pitbull, not because it is beautiful or thought of as friendly. People look at the pit bull because the media portrays them as vicious animals that are good for nothing. These animals are born into a world that does not like them. Though a lot of time is put into ensuring people that these

  • Review of Dog Aggression, Training, Causes, and Treatments

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    There are many different dog breeds and they all have different temperaments, which is partly why many dog lovers are sometimes particular to one breed than to others. Although not all seemingly unique breed behaviors are actually breed specific, most importantly aggression. A recent study indicates that dog owners’ conduct, not the dog’s breed, could be key to predicting whether or not a dog will be aggressive. Research which could undeniably stop breed discrimination, and confront strict laws against