Computer Science Essay

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The computer science field is one of the fastest advancing technological fields in today’s day and age, with new discoveries and research happening on a daily basis. Computers and their applications are in constant flux, as we create more efficient ways to profess electronic information. With a field changing so rapidly, we must remember and continue to study the roots these advancements if we are to understand all of the new material being produced. Although we focus on the western computer scientists, we sometimes forget the contributions that come from the East, specifically from Africa. Historically there have been many computer scientists from Africa that have contributed to the advancement of the computer science field. Thus far we have neglected to appreciate or acknowledge their contributions, even though we could not be at our current state without them. All discoveries in the computer science field build upon a previous discovery, and for this reason, to neglect past contribution or advancements, is to neglect the future. This is why we must change our focus and recognize the major advancements, such as the Niagara, or the Logo projects; both of which would not have been possible without the influence of African Computer Scientists. Africa has made key contributions to the computer science field through its work on the Niagara project, the Logo Computer Systems Inc, The Connection Machine, The South African Computer Science Network, and ________. One of the most notable contributions to the computer science field that comes as a result of Africa is the Niagara project. The Niagara project was originally headed by Kunle Olukotun, born and raised in Africa he now works at Stanford University in the states. The Niagara proj... ... middle of paper ... LCSI are also very important to research, as it is working to better educate our own children; the children are our future, so why should we not be invested in them. The Connection Machine is extremely important in its supercomputing power and its relation to cloud computing and parallel processing, which is very important to the computer science field as it is our goal to make computers work harder and faster. All of the research that we complete in any of the above fields is also rendered inert if we have nowhere to share it and no one to share it with. These issues have been addressed by The South African Computer Science Network, which we can learn from and which we can use to model our own systems on. Finally we need to recognize __________________your summary here_______. If we are to hope to move on with any idea or any technological advancement we must

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