Q.1 a) What is meant by operating system? Define it in detail with the help of suitable examples. Answer: The 1960's meaning of an Operating system is "the programming that controls the Hardware". Not with standing, today, because of microcode we require an improved definition. We see an operating system as the program that make the equipment usable. In short, an operating system is the set of programs that controls a computer. A few illustrations of operating systems are UNIX, Mach, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows/NT, Chicago, Os/2, Macos, VMS, MVS, and VM. Controlling the computer includes programming at several levels. We will separate kernel services, library services, and requisition level services, all of which are a part of the operating system. Methods run Applications, which are interfaced together with libraries that perform standard services. The kernel backs the methodologies by furnishing a way to the peripheral devices. . The kernel reacts to services calls from the processes and interrupts from the gadgets. The center of the operating system is the kernel, a control program that capacities in special state (an execution connection that permits all equipment guidelines to be executed), responding to hinders from peripheral devices.and to service request and traps from processes. For the most part, the kernal is a lasting inhabitant of the PC. It makes and ends processes and reacts to their solicitation for services. Operating Systems are resource managers. The main resource is computer hardware in the form of processors, storage, input/output devices, communication devices, and data. Some of the operating system functions are: implementing the user interface, sharing hardware among users, allowing users to share data am... ... middle of paper ... ...d the scheduler,& Algorithm it uses is called the scheduling algorithm. The following are the main objectives of Scheduling: Make best use of available system resources, Give preference to those processes which are holding the key resources. Give preference to processes which are having good behavior. CPU Scheduler basically selects the process from the different processes which are residing in the memory and are ready to execute, & then allocates the CPU to one of them. The Scheduling may be Preemptive or Non-Preemptive: Non-preemptive Scheduling Once CPU has been allocated to a process, the process keeps the CPU until Process exits OR Process switches to waiting state Preemptive Scheduling Process can be interrupted and must release the CPU. Need to coordinate access to shared data E.g. when we use “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” to terminate the process forcefully.
As the internet is becoming faster and faster, an operating system (OS) is needed to manage the data in computers. An Operating system can be considered to be a set of programed codes that are created to control hardware such as computers. In 1985 Windows was established as an operating system and a year earlier Mac OS was established, and they have dominated the market of the computer programs since that time. Although, many companies have provided other operating systems, most users still prefer Mac as the most secured system and windows as it provides more multiple functions. This essay will demonstrate the differences between windows
Windows hardware’s has played a vital role in current technology of computer era. Computer application has significantly changed the workloads and manual records and information keeping has been significantly managed easily. This has been tremendously associated with the respective improvements with the software and hardware application development and Windows Xp and windows 7 have been most powerful operating system used by many computer applicants and users.
One of the up and coming server operating systems is Linux. In an article from CNET News on July 24, 2000, a new study has identified Linux as being a significant threat to Microsoft in the server market over the next few years. What is Linux and how is it making its impact on the server industry? This paper will answer these questions.
It all began in 1991, during the time of monumental computing development. DOS had been bought from a Seattle hacker by Bill Gates, for a sum of $50,000 – a small price for an operating system that had managed sneak its way across the globe due to a clever marketing strategy. Apple’s OS and UNIX were both available, though the cost of running either was far greater than that of running DOS. Enter MINIX, an operating system developed from the ground up by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a college professor. MINIX was part of a lesson plan used to teach students the inner-workings of an operating system. Tanenbaum had written a book on MINIX called “Operating System” and anyone who had picked up a copy would find the 12,000 lines of code that comprised MINIX itself. This was a big issue; due to the fact that all know (well published) operating systems to that point had been well guarded by software developers, thus making it difficult for people to truly expand on operating system mechanics.
The selection of the next process to give the cpu to is done in kernel/proc.c, and uses 16 ready queues to control priority. The first process in the first non-empty queue is chosen to run next; therefore if there is always a runnable process in queue 0, no other queue will have processes run from it. The scheduling of processes into different queues is done by the sched server (servers/sched/*). The current sched algorithm uses a simple algorithm where each process has a maximum priority, and the priority is decreased every time the process gets a turn, and increased periodically towards the maximum priority (using a timer). In the current system, a process can use the nice () system call to increase or decrease its maximum priority.
Because of the robust Linux programmer community, several “flavour’s” of Linux (known as “vendors”) are available, and each is specialized in a slightly different way. This robust operating system is being widely adopted by IT professionals in growing businesses because of its high quality, reliability, and price.
Any program is only as good as it is useful- Linus Torvalds. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary an operating system is the main program in a computer that controls the way the computer works and makes it possible for other programs to function. Linus Torvalds in 1991 arranged the UNIX operating system to be used in the stead of ms-dos; Windows 95 was ran on top ms-dos. Windows and Linux are different operating systems built off different systems of code making security, stability, usability, and the communities comparatively different.
The fundamental idea behind a virtual machine is to remove the hardware of a single computer and make it a self-contained operating environment that behaves as it is a separate computer. Essentially, the virtual machine is software that executes an application and isolates it from the actual operating system and hardware. CPU scheduling and virtual-memory techniques are used so that an operating system can create the illusion that a process has its own processor with its own (virtual) memory. The virtual machine provides the ability to share the same hardware yet run several different operating systems concurrently, as shown in Figure 2-11.
The significance of the role of the Operation System (OS) in the overall Information Technology employment sector cannot be undervalued. Indeed, it is hard to talk about technical skill-sets or the practical application of such skill-sets without at least some underlying understanding of their context within a computer operating system environment. From hardware specifications and requirements, user technical support, system administration and security, to software development and system implementation, operating systems are an integral part of the information technology and computing world in all its aspects, and it is difficult to form a concrete demarcation between specialized careers in this industry and the concept of the computer operating system.
An Operating system is system software that controls the system’s hardware that interacts with users and the application software. As we all may know, Windows Microsoft has always been a commercial high-level sale in the retail industry and an in domain operating system used today. But there are more operating systems than just Windows Microsoft than the general population may assume. Linux is another well-known operating systems, which is free and open-source software. Linux is also used in companies we would have never thought of like Google, NASA, USPS, Amazon and many more companies. Linux and Microsoft operating systems have been in competition to see which one is the best operating system in the market. There are so many resemblances
Computers are very complex and have many different uses. This makes for a very complex system of parts that work together to do what the user wants from the computer. The purpose of this paper is to explain a few main components of the computer. The components covered are going to be system units, Motherboards, Central Processing Units, and Memory. Many people are not familiar with these terms and their meaning. These components are commonly mistaken for one and other.
An operating system accomplishes the following tasks: interaction between computer and user, providing an environment of which programs operate, and manages files. Yet, each operating system does it its own way. Hence, it is advantageous to know the pros and cons of each operating system before a decision is made. Any kind of operating system can be utilized in most environments; it's just a matter of difficulty supporting it regarding maintenance, compatibility problems and other concerns. For example, the Mac OS X would be perfect for the graphic design department, but would not work out well in the engineering department, which is better suited for Windows or Linux.
An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. The operating system is an essential component of the system software in a computer system. The operating system programs make system resources available to user(s), the user’s application programs and to other application programs running on the computer. (From Silberschatz and Gagne et al., 2010)
In designing a computer system, architects consider five major elements that make up the system's hardware: the arithmetic/logic unit, control unit, memory, input, and output. The arithmetic/logic unit performs arithmetic and compares numerical values. The control unit directs the operation of the computer by taking the user instructions and transforming them into electrical signals that the computer's circuitry can understand. The combination of the arithmetic/logic unit and the control unit is called the central processing unit (CPU). The memory stores instructions and data.
An Operating System (OS) is basically used to run a certain application. It is one of the most important parts of an application (Hill, 2012). An operating system gives a chance to a software or application in apprehending and handling the things perfectly and in an organized manner (Wierenga, 2000). The essence of OS is very important in the Mobile Phone Manufacturing. There is yet another important kind of Operating System with the name of Mobile Phone Operating System (MPOS), which also known as Mobile OS. It is basically an operating system which is used to operate a smart phone, tablet and others devices like personal digital assistant. MPOS has the option to use different facilities accordingly on the personal computers and other GPS based mobile navigations as well. Android and Apple's IOS Google are the leaders in the smart-phone era, because in the past five years, there has been a revolutionary change in the use of mobile phones. Apple's iPhone series created ripples in the market, but in 2007, Google Android was launched, which became an operating system challenge in the dominance of Apple iOS.