Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

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Section One: Mission and Vision Statement
A mission and vision statement is important in order for an educator to remain focused on what one will like to accomplish within the classroom. Without a mission and vision statement one will have a harder time accomplishing their personal goals as well as their goals for the students.
A teacher’s mission is to help each student reach their full potential in education and life skills. A teacher’s job is to discover how each student learns and teach in a way that each student is able to understand. With the use of technology one will be able to determine how each child is learning and use the information to make a difference with every child. The use of hand held devices will help to understand if each student is grasping the material. Teachers will include parents in the learning process of the students. Incorporating e-mails, links to web pages, and text messaging in order to communicate to parents what is being discussed in class. As an educator one will be available and encourage students and parents to ask questions on how to better understand the material being taught in class. The classroom will be an environment that promotes learning and welcomes questions. The classroom will be a place of discovery and provide new ways to deliver a lesson plan.

Technology in the classroom is more important today than ever before. Today’s children live in a society where just about every child has access to the internet, text messaging and cell phones. Cell phone ownership in children between the ages of 4 to 14 doubled during 2005 and 2008 (Bers, Kazakoff, 2012). In order to hold the current generation’s attention one must stimulate their interests by allowing the...

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