Compare And Contrast The Education System In Ethiopia

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The educational system in the United States and Ethiopia has a profoundly greater difference regardless the roles its offer in the society. The United States and Ethiopia have a different way the educational system is programmed and how the curriculum is established. Education in the united states is a core factor for everyone to acquire because the system make it free for most grade school except for private schools and every student has the chance to at least obtained a high school degree while the educational system in Ethiopia is based on opportunity or earning power, meaning your family has to be financially equipped before you can acquire secondary school education which is a high school equivalent in united states. In that regards, a …show more content…

In United States, educational system is planned based on levels such as elementary school is from first grade to sixth grades, middle school is from seventh grades to eighth grades, and high school is from ninth grades to twelfth grades and four years in university and grades schools are based on a single shift and mostly free. While in Ethiopia school system is divided to primary school which is class one to class six, junior secondary school is junior secondary school (JSS) one to three, and senior secondary school (SSS) one to four and the school operates on the two shift bases and is not free because of outnumber of students in the school system. In the United States, teaching and learning process utilizes interactive instruction methods such as discussions, teamwork activities, and community service projects to elicit imaginative thinking, problem solving and decision making toward a goal of meaningful insight which is a key factor to help student succeed while the teaching and learning process in Ethiopia school system is to complete the syllabus since there is no chance for interactive process and at the end you found out that student can be college graduates but find it difficult to read a middle school level text book. With this plan of the school curriculum in the American educational system, the best quality training will brining students ' to ultimate success in life, and the curriculum places great importance on this principle. As for student progress, they are given increasing autonomy in the direction of their work, but also encourage how to work cooperatively with others. Mostly, Students are allowed to participate in their own work evaluation. Students help teachers set up forum to make problems solving easier. Students solve problems without assistance from the teacher. Generally, Student takes full

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