The Pros And Cons Of The United States Education System

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Education is the process of gaining knowledge, reasoning, and judgment that is passed on from generation to generation. The U.S provides an education system where their is no child is left behind. Every child in the U.S has the chance to get an education through public schools. Pre- K through k-12 is provided in public schools. All children have the opportunity of an education through the U.S system. As a country the U.S spends more money on education than any other country. Even though the U.S spends more money than any other country, it is still not the number one best education system. The U.S education system has many positive sides to it but at the same time it has some flaws. The U.S education system is not the most successful system in the world due to: teachers are not doing their jobs, standardized testing has become a big problem, and technology has it downsides on the U.S education system due to the wrong use.
In order for the U.S to have a better education …show more content…

All students must pass standardized tests in order to graduate. Standardized tests are not going to make us smart, so why is the government spending all their money on those tests? According to Quinn Mulholland, Author at Harvard Political Review "Teaching to the test" is replacing good teaching practices with "drill n ' kill" rote learning.” Students learn better if they’re being taught by a teacher who teaches a subject that he or she is passionate about. On the other hand, if teachers are told to teach students in order for students to pass tests then students are not learning, instead they are memorizing. Standardized tests won’t make students ready for college. Standardized tests will not improve student achievement, it is an unreliable way to measure student success, and they are not objective. Standardized tests are also unfair to students whose English is their second language as well as students with special

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