Communication Strengths And Weaknesses

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Zaynab Abdullahi
CMST 1010-08
Communication Skills
Communication is the basic process of exchanging information, it is the process of conveying our thoughts, ideas and feelings to others using verbal as well as nonverbal signals. It is a very important part of our lives. Developing great communication skills can help all aspects of your life, including your professional life and your social life. In this essay I am going to discuss my personal strengths and my weakness in communication and how I hope to improve them.
My main strength in communication is written communication. I spend a lot of time communicating with people through phone and internet. It is much faster and it easier for me to type how I feel and what I am thinking because there …show more content…

Listening skills are an important part of communication, if you do not listen you will not understand and if you do not understand you will not be able to be as involved with people and empathize with other people. The text says “People have the best chance of developing an effective message when they understand and empathize with the other person’s point of view” (Adler, Rosenfeld, Proctor, 23). Not only does bad listening skills affect your relationships with people, it also is a disadvantage in your professional life. It can affect your performance at school and at work. For example, it is hard for me to sit and pay attention in class because I cannot focus on what the professor is saying. My mind usually wanders off and because of that I have to put in extra time outside of class to learn the classroom material. This is the reason why I prefer online course over classroom courses. Another example is when I am socializing with people face to face I am usually quite because I cannot stay focused on what the other person is saying for too long. I get easily distracted by the things that surround me. I find it very difficult to devote my undivided attention to

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