Comfort Zone Adversity

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“A Comfort zone is the most dangerous area anyone can stay in. It is a place of no growth and no challenge”(Brian Cagfee). When not in that comfort zone you faced with such adversity and Cordia High School has not been in the comfort zone. The adversity from racial profiling can challenge those individuals in everyday life. Coach Rhodes, Cordia’s basketball players, Cordia community and Cordia High School have faced that adversity from racial profiling and how it is coming from all over Knott County and keep fighting to stop the discrimination around them.
As a matter of fact, coach Rodrick Rhodes played for the University of Kentucky and was well known all over Kentucky and when he started at cordia he went from sporting his team blue color to just being a black man. He had faced discrimination every day but, he still kept fighting. He helped Cordia Basketball win a state champion and was thanked by Knott county school district by not having the ability to coach at Cordia High School. The profile he was facing was he was a well known NBA player to a cheater. Knott county believed he was recruiting boys to play for Cordia. When these boys were dealing with there own profile in Kentucky and back home. …show more content…

This being the only option back home, being in an environment like Kentucky and still working hard for an education doesn't seem so bad. Being leader of his team means he need to be there and be strong a hundred percent of the time. Having so much pressure on a person can take a toll on them yet Rhodes offer them all the support he can muster in himself to help these boys. Even in the hardest of times Momo fights to get what he knows need to be done no matter the

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