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Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson In his book, The Miseducation of the Negro, Carter G. Woodson addresses many issues that have been and are still prevalent in the African American community. Woodson believed that in the midst of receiving education, blacks lost sight of their original reasons for becoming educated. He believed that many blacks became educated only to assimilate to white culture and attempt to become successful under white standards, instead of investing in their communities and applying their knowledge to help other blacks. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a prime example of Woodson’s argument on “miseducated” blacks. Although Thomas benefitted from programs like affirmative action, once he reached the high point in his career he supported legislature to end such programs. Hampton University and other Historically Black Colleges and Universities must take it upon themselves to teach their students the importance of contributing to their communities once they graduate and enter into the business world. Colleges like Hampton, Howard, Spelman and Morehouse have the opportunity to produce professionals that can restructure and save the black community. Students who graduate from these institutions have the resources and knowledge that are needed to revive the African American community and their economy. Black colleges must educate their students on the need for black businesses, role models and the importance of staying connected to their culture and community. Clarence Thomas and the many blacks like him also contribute to the “class” rift in the black community. The many educated blacks who do not give back to their community are labeled as “sellouts” by their peers and family me... ... middle of paper ... ...If we learn anything for the White Man, we could at least learn about how he treats his own kind. Johnica Garrett: In order to better ourselves, we must recognize and identify the problems within our community. Once this is done, we must be willing to work on these areas. We must implement programs that encourage unity within our communities. There are rifts amongst all groups of people, but the key is to not let these divisions be apparent to your enemy. An example of this is the unity America is portraying to the rest of the world right now. Despite the many problems we have within our country, our government realizes that we must at least appear to be united in the eyes of enemy. The black community needs to grasp the importance of strategy and competition. We must try twice as hard as anyone else in school and work to prove that we are at least their equals.
For in an extraordinary career spanning three crucial decades, the man and the history became one, so much so that it is impossible to deal with the history of black people without touching, at some point, the personal history of Carter Woodson, who taught the teachers, transformed the vision of the masses and became, almost despite himself, an institution, a cause and a month. One could go further and say that the scientific study of black history began with Woodson, who almost single-handedly created the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History and the prestigious Journal of Negro History. Not content with these achievements, he ventured into the field of mass education, creating the annual black history celebrations.
C. Vann Woodward wrote The Strange Career of Jim Crow for a purpose. His purpose was to enlighten people about the history of the Jim Crow laws in the South. Martin Luther King Jr. called Woodward’s book, “the historical Bible of the civil rights movement.” (221) Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote revealed the true importance of Woodward’s book. Woodard’s book significance was based on it revealing the strange, forgotten facets of the Jim Crow laws. Assumptions about the Jim Crow’s career have existed since its creation. Woodward tried to eliminate the false theories as he attempted to uncover the truths. Woodward argued the strangest aspects of Jim Crow’s career were, it was a recent innovation and not created in the South
It is impossible for anyone to survive a horrible event in their life without a relationship to have to keep them alive. The connection and emotional bond between the person suffering and the other is sometimes all they need to survive. On the other hand, not having anyone to believe in can make death appear easier than life allowing the person to give up instead of fighting for survival. In The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill, Aminata Diallo survives her course through slavery by remembering her family and the friends that she makes. Aminata is taught by her mother, Sira to deliver babies in the villages of her homeland. This skill proves to be very valuable to Aminata as it helps her deliver her friends babies and create a source of income. Aminata’s father taught Aminata to write small words in the dirt when she was small. Throughout the rest of the novel, Aminata carries this love for learning new things to the places that she travels and it inspires her to accept the opportunities given to her to learn how to write, read maps, and perform accounting duties. Early in the novel Aminata meets Chekura and they establish a strong relationship. Eventually they get married but they are separated numerous times after. Aminata continuously remembers and holds onto her times with Chekura amidst all of her troubles. CHILDREN. The only reason why Aminata Diallo does not die during her journey into and out of slavery is because she believes strongly in her parents, husband and children; therefore proving that people survive hardships only when they have relationships in which to believe.
Winthrop D. Jordan author of White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812, expresses two main arguments in explaining why Slavery became an institution. He also focuses attention on the initial discovery of Africans by English. How theories on why Africans had darker complexions and on the peculiarly savage behavior they exhibited. Through out the first two chapters Jordan supports his opinions, with both facts and assumptions. Jordan goes to great length in explaining how the English and early colonialist over centuries stripped the humanity from a people in order to enslave them and justify their actions in doing so. His focus is heavily on attitudes and how those positions worked to create the slave society established in this country.
Nikole Hannah-Jones, the author of the article “School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy of Ferguson,” (2014) writes about how the Normandy school district in which Ferguson students attend, ranked at the very bottom of all Missouri schools for performance. As relayed by Hannah-Jones (2014), the Normandy school district is “among the poorest and most segregated in Missouri” (p. 2). The August 2014 shooting death of a young African-American, Michael Brown, by a white police officer, spurred riots not only in St. Louis, but also in other cities nationwide. Black and white children in the St. Louis region remain educationally divided, and the state Board of Education knows what needs to change in order for black children to gain a better
Imagine this; the year is 1836. You are a 17-year-old student interested in learning more about the world around you; however, such an opportunity won’t come your way because you are black. Due to this fact you have no hope of furthering your education past the reading, writing, and arithmetic their slave masters taught your parents. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. The minds of many African American’s go to waste due to individual ignorance of their people and thus of themselves. Historically Black Colleges and Universities were put into effect to educate the black mind and eliminate the ignorance. The discussion of whether Historically Black Colleges and Universities are still necessary in the 21st century has taken place in recent years. Within the discussion many debate that due to the fact that the world is no longer like it was in the 1800’s, the time period in which Historically Black Colleges and Universities were created, the purpose of them no longer exists. However, the cultural significance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities seems to be overlooked by those who argue their importance and relevance in a time where blacks have the option of attending predominantly white institutions (PWIs). The purpose and grounds on which Historically Black Colleges and Universities were developed are still being served. The need to increase efforts to not only rouse, but support Historically Black Colleges and Universities is necessary now more than ever in order to preserve our past, fulfill the purpose of our present, and ensure our future.
Black excellence can be achieved by respecting those who do the same, and being active toward the change you would like to see. No minority should have to conform, conceal, or submit in order to receive the same opportunities that Caucasians are afforded. Sterling Lecater Bland, Jr describes in his article “Being Ralph Ellison: Remaking the Black Public Intellectual in the Age of Civil Rights” that Ellison personally used a different approach for being an advocate. He states, “Ellison’s foundational ideas about the duties of black artists and intellectuals in the public sphere became a kind of a through-line in how he crafted and maintained his own public role in the age of civil rights,” (Lecater, 53). Ellison understood that there can be different approaches to how you want to be perceived, but they do not include being a radical or a stereotype. Bledsoe’s viewpoint is not effective because his obsession with maintaining an image cost a young man his education. Kicking the narrator out of school created a snowball effect that many institutions, predominantly white or historically black, do to their minority students. The institution or a sponsor will
Clearly, HBCUs provide several benefits to African-American students. Not only have they helped to combat the cycle of discrimination that minority students experienced before the civil rights initiatives of the 1960s, but they strive to provide a warm, supportive and inclusive academic environment that addresses African-American college students as a whole person. Additionally, HBCUs are increasing their efforts to ensure that higher education is accessible, affordable and achievable for individuals with unique socioeconomic challenges. Despite obstacles, historically Black institutions will continue to play a vital and significant role in the fabric of higher education.
Carter G. Woodson was born shortly after the end of slavery. He was an educational expert and the 2nd African American to receive a PhD from Harvard University. He wrote the Miseducation of the Negro in 1933 to investigate how efficient the current education structure was for African Americans based upon his expertise in the education and history fields. The book was written during the Harlem Renaissance movement that represented the flowering of a distinctive African Americans expressions. He wrote this book to make the negroes realize that they too can do anything that a white man can do. He states that white people are the oppressor of the negroes. As teachers, they continued to expand on the
The issue of whether HBCU’s are still needed have been occurring constantly in today’s nation. HBCU’s have been in existence for almost two centuries now. Their principal mission is to educate African Americans, and they have. HBCU’s graduate more than 50% of “African American” professionals and public school teachers. But, HBCU’s have been facing challenges such as their decrease in diversity, financing, and graduate rates which has caused a speculation of their importance in today’s communities. I believe that HBCU’s are still needed.
On that note, education is not purely for the monetary gain, but also to empower those who actively pursue it. It is evident throughout the book that the African American people are less informed than the average individual. It is apparent mostly from their living situation and morale overall. The Lacks town is completely rundown and the people living there have no way to rebuild because they do not make enough money from their jobs. Also, the people accept how they live and how much they know and are fine with being on the lower end of the totem pole. It is evident that they can be taken advantage of, even by people that aren't that much more intelligent than them; such as Sir Lord Keenan Kester Cofield. Although Cofield was a smooth talker, more educated people had no problem seeing through his facade even though the Lacks could not. After Cofield, the Lacks' became afraid to talk to anyone about their mother or her cells because they were afraid of being taken advantage of again. That is an example of how people who are less educated fear those who are because they believe that they will be taken advantage of, which causes problems with those people pursuing further
Carter G. Woodson, author of The Mis-Education of the Negro” wrote his novel on the main issue that the education system had failed to educate the Negro about African history. His intention was to inform the audience about the mis-education of the African American race. Mr. Woodson supported his scholarly work with his investigations from a wide spectrum of races for 40 years by studying students from different levels.
The syntax of this epigraph from James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man demonstrate that evil is a powerful entity and is able to change shapes. In explaining that it can’t be beaten Johnson shoes that evil has been around and will continue to exist for a long time. The fact that evil is able to “Change its form” is obvious since the theme of racism flows throughout the chapters read thus far. It is seen in the way his mother and father react toward him, how his teacher and peers treat him, and by the way his close friend the Millionaire expresses his thoughts on the struggle of the “Negro” community; thus, it is a symbol of every hardship the narrator faces. Within the realm of racism, the narrator’s millionaire friend
...ry kept black Americans in a state of oppression. Still, education was cherished as the way to get ahead. Today, a black is president of the United States and there are black politicians elected to the Congress and the Senate. Several Fortune 500 companies are headed by blacks. Admission to any college or university is open to black high school scholars. But now, getting good grades and an education is passé, construed as "acting white." It is as if black education rose from the ash heap of slavery and Jim Crow after the Civil War and, then, was pulled back down into a tar pit of welfare assistance and government dependency.
Taken from his pivotal work, The Miseducation of the Negro, this quote encompasses a reoccurring theme of socialized inadequacy on an institutional level. Woodson goes on to include potential solutions to the miseducation problem that could be implemented not only in schools, but also throughout the entire community. Years later, Dr. Molefi Kete Asante would incorporate Dr. Woodson’s ideas in his articulation of a functional theory that calls for an intentional shift of the mental paradigm through which African-Americans learned and taught.