College Students Should Be Allowed In College

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Living a healthy lifestyle depends on the person, and he/she should not feel coerced into getting fit or following any trends. To promote a healthy lifestyle, colleges should understand the various reasons people try to be healthy, and try different ways to raise awareness of following a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, because many students have a meal plan, the dining hall food should be nutritious, but the nutrition facts should also be available for students so they know what they are consuming. Also, dining halls should have many options for students who are vegan, vegetarian, or eat certain foods because of their religion. Many dining halls should also have a salad and fruit bar as an option for students who want more vegetables and fruits …show more content…

College is extremely stressful with exams, homework, and extracurricular activities, and balancing personal, academic, and social aspects of college can be difficult. Holding fun events, or even having free coffee or hot chocolate stands in the hallways can help students relax. Fun events can include food festivals, ice cream parties, free massages, game days, or sport competitions. Colleges can also post and email reminders to students to take care of their mental health and encourage seeing on-campus wellness centers. Colleges can also give out goodie bags that can contain a reusable water bottle to encourage drinking more water, healthy granola bars, and information on the wellness center. I dormed my first year of college, and I know first-hand that having a great RA (resident assistant) makes all the difference. My RA was a great confidant who gave helpful advice because he had two years of experience in college already. He also held bi-weekly floor meetings to interact with the whole floor, and gave us information on upcoming events or new rules the university implemented. He also held events for us to have fun, whether it was bowling, or staying in for a movie night. However, many of friends commuted, and there were events for commuters such as a commuter cruise. Having these events for dormers and commuters can help establish a community for students (such as my floor) and support system to talk to when students are feeling extra stressed. In addition, these events gave students a break from school and

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