Leilah Burdette
Should Undocumented Students Receive a College Education? (Draft 1) Do you believe all children should have the opportunity to go to college? Most importantly many children want to go to college in America to better themselves and to live comfortable. There are many children who are undocumented who want to attend college (Tamer). Now only 18 states allow undocumented students to go to college and only five offer financial aid (Anderson). Some people think that undocumented children should not be able to attend college because it would encourage too much immigration. In fact, immigration makes America more diverse and makes America respected and a strong independent country. Undocumented
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Undocumented students can help make a global economy. “Higher education is central to achieving individual economic success and to supporting the national economy. It not only offers the most dependable path to achieving social mobility, but it also allows the United States to remain competitive in the global economy” (Flores). To have a higher education can make a country strong and more independent to be more competitive in the global economy. Undocumented students are advocating for greater access to affordable and high-quality higher education, and students, families, and policymakers across the country are demanding the same. In this context, President Barack Obama announced his America’s College Promise plan to provide free community college to all who are willing to work for it (Flores). Undocumented students has a chance to afford a high quality of higher education to students and family in America to provide free community college and universities. That undocumented students has a chance to receive college education, and to benefit from the DREAM act. A diverse society can help economic growth in our …show more content…
Immigrant students have benefits, scholarships, state aid and tuition payments to to have help enter college. “It’s limited, targeted legislation that will allow only the best and brightest young people to earn their legal status after a rigorous and lengthy process, and applies to those brought to the United States as minors through no fault of their own by their parents, and who know no other home” (Miranda). It allows minor immigrants to have the same benefits as a American born citizen. "Bottom line, if they are in a state that has in-state tuition, the key thing is to not take no for an answer," Rincon says. "If they know that the law allows for them to go to college, then they have that to back them up" (Sheely). There are states that has in-states tuition and should be willing to take that for granted. Undocumented students can make a change in American immigrants can have a diverse society and economically strong nation. Some people think that undocumented children should not be able to attend college because it would encourage too much immigration. In fact, immigration makes America more diverse and makes America respected and a strong independent country. “Tatevik Keshishyan graduated in the top ten percent of her class at Watertown High School. She volunteered at the Watertown Free Public Library, acted as president of the
There are over twelve million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Many came to America to work, go to school, or be reunited with family members who are already residing here. Most migrants want to work and pursue the “American dream”. There are many barriers for residents to achieving success at the work and life balance. The immigrants fall back on public assistance to support them.
It has been every immigrant's dream just to visit the United States. Now that Flavio had the taste of freedom, he yearns for more resources provided in the U.S. such as education, medical assistance, and opportunities. So many immigrants put their lives at risk by crossing the border in hopes of reaching the American dream. Now America's future may be at risk due to poverty. It is important that all races work together to improve it. "We'll pay for your education if you pay for our retirement" (Aldhous). Legally, immigrants can only come to the United States of America if they have a work visa or student visa, but even with the student visa, immigrants have to pay to attend school on their own, so why would they pay to study here if they can’t spend the rest of their lives here? The quote above by Aldhous specifies that they’ll pay for their education if America pays for their retirement referring, to their freedom, because many immigrants sometimes are deported back to their
Stern, Gary M. "Taking a Fresh Look at Illegal Immigrants and the Role they can Play in Restoring the American Economy." The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Nov 01 2010: 19-20. ProQuest. Web. 24 Nov. 2013 .
There is no denying that immigration will always be a factor in the development of the United States. Whether it is due to religious beliefs, economic problems or even war in their native country, emigrants will always come to America with hopes of starting a new life in the “Land of the Free”. Fortunately, the people who do choose to legally migrate to America are generally motivated for success and well-educated. Even the immigrants who are not well educated are motivated to succeed, work hard and take jobs in areas where labor forces are low or jobs that a native-born American may not even consider, effectively making them a contributing member of society.
While tangible reasons exists for the need to cut on undocumented immigration, the benefits that illegal immigrants bring to the U.S economy still surpass the arguments against providing undocumented immigrants with legal status. The undocumented immigrants are found in all sectors of the U.S economy and their input needs to be recognized by providing them with legal status to work and improve the economy. They in fact, add circulation to the economy and many benefits that most of american-borns don’t see.
Having the opportunity of staying in school is very important to illegal immigrants because that means they can realize the American Dream. It is something that every immigrant that comes to the U.S wants to achieve. By applying to the dream act illegal immigrants from the age of sixteen through thirty five can go to school. They are eligible to stay in school and or go to college if they have not done so. For example some of the immigrant students have immense talents that can be used for America’s assistance, but not being able to stay in school they can not succeed. “Thousands of young people have worked hard. But they are being denied that chance to build a better future for themselves and to contribute their skills, talents, and creativity to the country” (Duncan). By having the choice of staying in school, as well as the help it is more exciting to those students that want to become someone in life. Some of the illegal aliens possess some amazing talent...
The term “undocumented students” is given to the children of foreign nationals who entered the United States legally with their families, but remained without an authorization. In some cases they have crossed the border illegally as children with their parents at a very young age, some as young as infants. These children have lived more years in the U.S. than their birth countries, and have attended K-12, and earning high school diplomas.
After about twelve years of the DREAM Act floating around in congress, many people on both sides of the issue are unsure of what will happen. For some, the fact that it has been around for long without much progress means that the DREAM Act will not pass. On the other side of this issue, the dreamers, continue fighting to keep the DREAM Act alive, so that all the immigrant students can continue to post secondary education, and not have to stop their education at the end of 12th grade. These young immigrants were brought here when they were younger and have lived in the United States most of their life. They are known as dreamers because many of them cannot continue their education due to the barriers placed on them because of their undocumented status. Those who wish to continue to a post secondary education have to pay higher out-of-state tuition rates. The passing of the DREAM Act will provide a path to legalization for educated and dedicated individuals who will continue to contribute a lot to the U.S. economy and in many other ways. The majority of undocumented students were brought to the U.S. when they were small children, and they “should be allowed to have the chance to stay in the country call home” (Bennion).
In fact, the Texas legislature “will be in a prime position to attack and ultimately dismantle one of the states most successful pro-immigrant initiatives on the books” (Sakuma, "How Texas could give up on its DREAM", 2015). Abbott’s approach towards immigration reform is the stance the state needs. There are several flaws within the program such as undocumented individuals receiving more tuition than the common hardworking U.S. citizen. In order to remain a powerhouse state, Texas must appeal to its citizens first rather than the opposite. As of now the state is educating individuals who have no intent to stay. Instead most of them retreat back to their countries to begin to practice their studies. The program should be vetoed and reformed to make state tuition cheaper for U.S. citizens and offer a prorated “in-state” tuition that is feasible. Also Texas should implement an undocumented student hour rule, whereas undocumented individuals can take a maximum of 12 credit hours in addition to filing for permanent residency. As how UTSA rid of the CAP program to higher graduation rate, undocumented individuals must apply for citizenship or dual citizenship and must be approved in order to graduate. More republicans might favor such a clause simply by the ideals of a “come here, contribute here”
I believe that college tuition should be cheaper for everyone no matter what economic level your family is in. College tuition should be very affordable for everyone, so everyone has a chance to get an education without being in debt. There are kids and adults all over the country and world that would love to go to college. Should Universities turn down people because they can't afford it? Of course there are numerous of scholarships, financial aids, and loans available, but sometimes they don't help everyone out that much; because the average family can’t fully support the child going to college, and make a living what is called comfortably in residence. I'd like to see a change in how much college tuition will be in the upcoming years, a drastic change.
A writer at The Fiscal Times connects this idea by claiming, “Without the immigrant labor, prices consumers pay for hotels and restaurants would be substantially higher (Furchgott-Roth).” Other than keeping vacations and dinners cheaper, immigration has yielded great results in the field of education. With a majority of immigrants relocating with their family or having a family in the new country, it is highly likely for them to send their offspring to school so that they can have a good education. This bodes well for the high school and/or college they attend because the children increase the graduation rate, which is one of many factors people use to determine how good a school is. Once acquiring a higher education, many of them will decide to open up their own business or wander into the job market.
Should college be a requirement for everyone graduating from high school today? Many people would answer “yes” to that question. This push was ramped up in 2009, when former President Obama proclaimed that “every American will need to get more than a high school diploma” and that “America cannot lead in the 21st century unless we have the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world” (Miller). People have become convinced that an “educated society would make for a stronger society” (Miller). The truth is for many people, college is an impossible dream. High school was not enjoyable for everyone, many jobs do not require a college degree, and finances hinder the ability of many people to further their education. Therefore, it would
The United States gives everyone an opportunity to get a college degree. On top of the college opportunities give a great chance for jobs after the college education. Many foreigners come to the United States to get an education but they also tend to stay here, due to the job opportunities. In 2009 President Barak Obama put in a community college initiative to increase the college graduate level in the United States. In an article titled “Obama Plans Community-College Initiative”, Obama told reporters that twelve billion dollars was going towards community colleges. The goal of the initiative to have more college graduates than in recent years and to also put the United States number one in college graduates.
Education has played an important role in all of our lives, through government and social infrastructure we are all required to attend K through 12 paid by tax payers and our government. And if we are lucky we can carry onto high education such as community colleges and universities. Higher education isn’t normally free, and is usually paid by the individual and family with student loans and financial aid from the government. While the federal and state government has set certain limitations on who is eligible to receive finical assistance; such as academic standing, priority, and citizenship. Many people believe that these laws and regulations that are correlated to undocumented immigrants by not allowing their academically qualified children from receiving inn state tuition.
People have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an education is important for them. Some people go to college because that is what is expected of them, and others go because they have nothing else better to do. However, I am interested in going to college and obtaining a good education because it will benefit my family, my country, and me. My parents have this perfect life for me pictured in their heads, and the first thing they see me doing is going to college. They expect the best of me, and so by going to college, I will not only have fulfilled their goals for me, but I will have accomplished one of the goals I have set for myself. In our culture, when parents come to the age where they can't support themselves, it is the duty of the children to look after them. We don't just throw our elders into retirement homes and visit them twice every year. We are expected to meet their wants and needs, and that will not be possible without a good education, which will then lead to a good job. As you know, a college education is good for each individual, but not only that, it is good for the country. As a college education becomes more obtainable through the use of financial aid, our country benefits the most. We are the future businessmen and women of America, and through our knowledge, the country will grow. The education we get today will help us prosper in the future, and the more we expand our horizons, the more the economy will increase.