Undocumented Education Essay

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The Morality of Educational limitations on undocumented student citizens

Education has played an important role in all of our lives, through government and social infrastructure we are all required to attend K through 12 paid by tax payers and our government. And if we are lucky we can carry onto high education such as community colleges and universities. Higher education isn’t normally free, and is usually paid by the individual and family with student loans and financial aid from the government. While the federal and state government has set certain limitations on who is eligible to receive finical assistance; such as academic standing, priority, and citizenship. Many people believe that these laws and regulations that are correlated to undocumented immigrants by not allowing their academically qualified children from receiving inn state tuition. …show more content…

And as result granting inn sate tuition to undocumented student immigrants would only damage the delicate budgets most colleges and universities impose. It would be reasoned to question why we are supporting these children when in reality because of them we can’t even service and educate our own. The unavailability of education dollars is real but it is of most certainty that it would be unfair and quite a burden to these motivated and high-achieving undocumented students. Education is one of the most beneficial investments a society can offer. And holding back on undocumented students is the wrong way to improve the ambitions of others especially in the United States where our education is not even of credible world ranking. All though there is a world belief and understanding that all students should receive an education, the economic, social, and cultural indifferences has really set boundaries in helping other students of different nationalities as well as our

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