College Admissions Essay: Why I Love Sport

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From age 5 I was placed on the soccer field, in ballet class, and gymnastics. I loved both and was decently good for such a young age. It carried a social meaning from the very beginning even though I never realized it until I realized I had made the wrong choice. Three sports became too much to handle, especially when my younger sister was at the age to try sports a few years later. I had to chose two sports to stick with, and eventually just one. I chose soccer. Why? Because it’s what my friends were into. The most time consuming sport is what I chose and it was the sport that I least admired. Looking back on my high school experience I am very proud to have chosen that sport because of the people I met and made life long friendships with. No one would care if I had stuck with ballet because I wouldn’t of had as nearly many friends. Of course school was simpler when I was younger but my grades reflected an above average student. Now, I’m just average with a history of playing soccer. It gave me the social life that I wanted, but not exactly the grades and happiness I wanted. Although I loved soccer I wasn’t as good at is as I was in the ballet studio. Many …show more content…

If it were up to me to chose, I would increase sport involvement, but also lay in place more academic requirements. School itself isn’t stressful, its the useless work and standardized testing that makes us lack motivation to even care. If we fail a test, of course it stinks, but we feel awful because we are raised to think that our grades actually define who we are as a student. Kid’s with C’s and D’s are usually seen as students who see school as a waste of time they’d rather be sleeping because of how lazy teenagers can be. But, in reality they could be the wisest person. Just because they don’t indulge themselves in school doesn’t give us a right to judge them as a average/slightly below average student. Of course, theres a fine line between just not indulging yourself and not caring at

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