College Admissions Essay: The Power Of Change

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The Power Of Change
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” (Shaw). Change occurs all the time. It helps us grow as a person and allows us to experience new things. Even if we aren’t ready for change, it can help us to move on to the next stage in our life. Change can be both big and small, but no matter the size, it still has a great impact on our lives. Without change, progress cannot be made and our lives cannot be improved. Although change can sometimes be difficult, it can help make us stronger people. I believe in the power of change and how it can positively affect your life. Ever since I was young, I always hated change. I never wanted to see new things or do …show more content…

Just this year, I started my first year of high school. This was also a new experience for me that I wasn’t ready for. Although many of my friends would be coming with me, I wasn’t ready to leave middle school. The idea of starting high school made me feel nervous and unprepared. I didn’t know what to expect. Going into the year, I was not feeling positive or confident about how things would turn out. On my first day, I remember feeling like the school was massive. I had a hard time finding my way around because I wasn't used to it yet. As time passed, I learned my way around and was even starting to like high school. Although I was nervous going to a new school, it has allowed me to meet new people and learn new things. For example, just this year I joined the swim team here at Golden. Although this was a new experience for me, I have made new friends and gotten to know more people. My classes are also more challenging and I have had to learn how to manage my time. If I had stayed in the same school, I wouldn’t have had the same experiences or grown as a person. By changing this aspect of my life, it has allowed me to become a better person and gain new

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