Zechariah 7:9-10, “Execute true justice, show kindness and mercy to each other. And do not oppress the widow or orphan, the sojourner or poor. And do not plot evil against each other, says the Lord.” This is true justice. God calls us on this earth to love, care, show kindness and mercy to one another. As i saw on a picture with a little boy holding up a sign saying “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace.” It is impossible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people. That is why we cannot rely upon the silenced to tell us they are suffering and at any given point we the people have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end. That is exactly why Jesus Christ died for us, he knew we were going to fail, mess up, and he knew you were going to be messy and screw up often but thats the point of the cross! The point of the cross is to show this mighty picture of God’s love and mercy for us. Its also the picture we have of just how far Jesus will go because he loves us. As you take steps little by little, bit by bit, from family to family, we will see so many opportunities to do good on so many levels that it will be overwhelming. Jesus showed us true justice by dying on the cross for us, now its time to not just stop the fighting and arguing around the world but execute true justice through love. Additionally, through this it will explain how the United Nations is one of the best organizations to execute justice around the world, BRIC nations is the second most important area to promote justice and finally the Globalized world is the least best tool to promote justice around the world.
What i will start with is how the United Nati...
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...on't want it too. The point of change is to remember that we cant do things alone and that is why Jesus Christ died for us so we wont have to walk this world alone and in fear and that is why in times of change we trust him.
To close, one thing that will be said is this: the world is a dangerous place, not because those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. The future depends on what you do today. A lot of teenagers now a days are addicted to superficial and worldly things and not convicted by important and substantial things like love, truth and justice. That is why the United nations is the best organization to create justice because the U.N. provided many ways for everyone to be involved is way to help bring justice to the world. I believe if we all can stand up for what is true and what is made in love then we will finally see peace.
Moral conviction is something that everyone should have, it is inherent, or at least that is the assumption. In the book, "A Case for Christianity", by C. S. Lewis, Lewis argues that it is part of the "Moral Law". Not the part that will make you forget about yourself and help someone else even though it might put you in danger, but rather the part that makes you feel bad when you have wronged another person or broken your own moral code. That is just it though, you set your own moral code, not anyone else. Sure it can be influenced by teachers, parents, friends, movies, media, and numerous other entities of our society, but the end result is your own choice, your own moral standard that you have set for yourself.
John 17 v9, Christ prays for his people, they are the ones he atones for. Justice has been done in that sense.
The meaning of ‘being human’ - Catholic people believe the meaning of ‘being human’ is a very strong part of their faith and commitment to life.The meaning of also ‘being human’ to the catholics is having a purpose in life, this could be through a number of connections to the world and faith such as being spiritual, physical, social, emotional and intellectual “God is spirit”. Each of these connections have many different meanings and effects on every person within the world. They believe that being human means that they have a responsibility to share equal rights to all people within the world. Overall the catholics believe that everyone deserves the equal right to have the same opportunities and rights in life and to show true faith to their religion through many connections such as being spiritual, physical, social, emotional and intellectual.
According to a Christian, there is one true God, and he revealed Himself through the Holy trinity, which is made up of three people; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They also believe that God alone created the world and everything that encompasses it from nothing in six days. They believe that the world was good until Adam sinned against God, and now all people are born into sin. They believe that God sent his only son Jesus to save the world from sin and that Jesus died for all their sins and rose from the dead. They believe that the Holy bible is the sacred word before and after Jesus’s time and that they should live by it to please God and thank him for his son. They believe that people are saved by faith through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Change is a word that I have constantly heard throughout my high school years. It is a transformation through which everyone goes whether it's for the better or for the worse. For me the meaning and value of change has helped me to focus on the goals I have to accomplish. For others, it is simply just a phase we go through. All of us here have been able to learn and develop from our changes to be come a better and successful person.
“…I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours… God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together” (Miller 1315). As Miller states in The Crucible, justice comes individually. Justice is not determined by the will of society, but by the honesty and leadership of an individual. Several individuals can establish justice within society if they look within themselves for fairness. One must not strive to discover justice within the law or society, but within one’s self.
Justice is controlled differently all throughout the world. Similarly, justice means a different thing to different people. Though not always enforced, my definition of what is just most likely differs from the person next to me. However, there are some actions that are generally accepted as being unjust. To give one example from the reading it is controversial whether “laws” are capable of determining what is just & what is unjust. It can be agreed by most that there are some laws are unjust but it is controversial among people whether these unjust laws can justly be disobeyed. Is disobeying a law always unjust regardless of the absurdity of the particular law?
America has committed a terrible sin. It has once decided to own people as property and deprive them of their liberties and enslaved them based on the color of their skin. The United States must repair the wounds that have resulted from the social injustice committed against the African American community. Many have argued that this must be done through reparations. However, African Americans have faced a plethora of legal complexities in attempts to obtain legal reparations for past injustices committed against their ancestors. The problem that African’s face in their attempt to obtain legal reparations stems from their historical devaluation in the American legal system. Since the days of colonial America, it was not only law that African Americans were inferior to their Anglophone whites, but also custom (Westley, 82). The prejudice of early America, which has stretched to recent days, has handicapped African American’s ability to exercise their legal rights that navigation of the legal and public complex procedures has made it impossible for them to correct social injustice and obtain reparation
Morality ivolves distinguishing which human behaviors are right or wrong and good or bad. Morality covers topics such as harm, rights and justice, and therefore it is mainly concerned with protecting every idividual. There has been a culture of war between liberals and conservatives all based upon human morality aspects (Haidt & Graham, 2007, p. 1). Cultural war can be termed as the division in personal opinions and thoughts between open-minded people or liberals and the conventional or traditionalists, also known as conservatives.
Prior to the establishment of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) religious justice was a muddled picture. In the polytheistic religions, gods each had their own interests, which often conflicted with the interests of other gods. “The belief in one god allowed the Abrahamic religions setup a fundamentally different dynamic in ethics; the dichotomous distinction between right and wrong.” (Stark, 2001). Human actions no longer served one god or another’s interests, they were now judged by the embodiment of all that was perfect and sacred; God.
Why is it that people are so against the idea of change? Change isn’t scary or frightful. For those people who are scared of change, are the ones who make unfair laws and rules that people who are different have to follow. Like African-Americans, who had far few rights then they do today.
For obvious reasons, people reject change. Especially people who are close to each other because they feel that this change is going to seperate them and make them not as close as they used to be. They fight the change until they force the person to change. It's sad how this works, but in reality, it's probably the single most reason why people change. The people we love, love us so much that they want us to remain the way we are forever. Forever is a long time and not one person can always stay the same. Sometimes if the people we love would just accept the change and go with it, they would understand where the change was origianlly coming from.
We all know God is love and it is shown everywhere in the Bible. To be merciful means to have broad grace. To be just means to be respectably good and fair. These two attributes seem to contradict each other because how can a merciful God judge a person for their wrongdoing or how can someone who hates sin have mercy on the people who do evil? Many atheists question how could a merciful God be just? The answer to this question is Gods mercy is expressed to us through His love. God is a perfect God meaning his justice and mercifulness is also faultless. This paper will focus on comparing and contrasting the attributes God is just and merciful by pointing out the similarities, differences, and by showing ways in which God demonstrates them to mankind.
Whether you consider the future to be one hundred years away or just a second the conception of the future is always the same. There are numerous views on the future but each one says the identical thing. I don?t know what the future holds but I know who holds the future.
Do we have any reason to believe that some sort of Justice must balance out Injustice in the world? This question would seem to imply that perhaps through Justice there are some sort of Injustice in the world today. Therefore, some sort of judiciary system should be set in place to control the level of unjustness. In order for any individual to even approach the above question, the given terms Justice and Injustice must first be understood, as well as their relationship to society.