Process Essay: Adapting To Change

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Adapting to change is inevitable. No matter the situation, people are always changing and trying their best to adapt to new situations. Be it personal issues, a new job, or school, adapting to new environments and situations is fundamental to our growth process as people, young or old.
To start with, change is an experience needed in order for someone to grow mentally and physically. Without change, we wouldn't be able to do the things we can do now. For example, the process of a house being built starts with a frame in order to support the final product. In this case, change would be the frame, because without it, we wouldn't have anything to start with before moving forward. To illustrate this, if a person were to go through the loss of a family member, the loss would be the change that would need to be adapted to in order to move forward. A solution cannot be made without change and its adaptation, because we must accept or, in this case, adapt to the fact that the person is dead. This is because if you aren't able to accept the loss, you are denying a piece of information that is vital in order to move on from the loss, which leads up to the solution. …show more content…

From personal experience, I learned through training with others that I would have to adjust to different changes and issues that arose during the job. For example, If a rude customer were to come up to me and complain about a service from the workplace, I would have to be able to help the customer instead of telling him or her that I didn't want to, because not only did I chose to work at the restaurant by accepting the job offer, but I also chose to respect the clients as a representative of the workplace. Since I'm not normally used to rude customers, I would have to adapt to this change in order to keep the

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