College Admissions Essay: My Love Of Art History

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My love of art history was a progression of several years, but then suddenly it hit me with an intense power that, awakened all my senses. During my junior year in high school, I was introduced to art history to fulfill an elective requirement. I immediately felt an attraction towards the subject. However, I became distracted once I met other interesting subjects during my senior year. My attraction toward art history was rekindled in my first spring semester in college by an inspiring teacher who presented art in a new way that showcased art as a result of what was going on during that time period. After taking an actual art history course I realized that the subject would be a perfect match for me, for I had slowly and assuredly fallen in love with it. To me art is complex, intriguing, filled with meaning, purpose and history and is my destiny.
As fate would have it, I traveled abroad to Europe with a friend. We visited three countries: Spain, France and England. …show more content…

In the class, I was given the opportunity to turn my passion project into a functioning, sustainable enterprise. As part of my plan, my business would be located in Los Angeles. Los Angeles as a way to connect with the community and my key market. Los Angeles is filled with so many opportunities. My long term goal is to establish a non-profit organization within Los Angeles as a platform to connect to both the Latin American community and the Jewish community: in order for my organization to be a success, there has to be a connection to the people living around there . Los Angeles has the second highest population of Jews and Latinos, and one of the key target audience: high school and college students. In order to gain their attention, I would be using different social media for different purposes- such as instagram to photograph important events and moments that are happening inside the

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