College Admissions Essay: If I Walk Along The Road

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Imagine you are walking down a path with ostensibly no end. For years, you have traveled along this road and have come across your fair share of obstacles. These obstacles have made you grow tired and weary, but with no other paths to take, you continue your journey to see where it would lead. Fortunately, one day the heavens decide to smile on you and create a way off of the wearisome road. Up ahead, you surprisingly spot a fork in the road. After inspecting the paths, you realize one path appears to be similar to the one you have ventured on for so long while the other appears to be vastly different. The unfamiliar path looks promising, yet you are unsure what would happen if you ventured off the path you have been on. What would you miss out on if you left the path you were familiar with? What would you miss out on if you …show more content…

One of the biggest was deciding what college I would attend for the ensuing four years of my life. Knowing that it was fiscally illogical for me to go away for college, I decided to stay in New York City, although every bone in my body wanted to go far, far away. As my friends discussed their out of state colleges and all the preparations they had I found myself comparing myself to them. I would have loved to be in their position, being able to dorm and have a real college experience. Be that as it may, I know now that my choice was the right one. Nonetheless, while we were fawning over our college acceptances my English teacher had assigned us a book to read during the last month of class, which I neglected to do as I sulked due to my perceived misfortune. However, I did not suspect that this would be the book that would transform my life drastically. In fact, I didn't pick it up again until the final stretch of my first semester in college, which I dreaded tremendously. Though, looking back, had I read this book earlier I would have probably had a better experience that

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