College Admissions Essay: I Want To Be An Astronaut

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As a young girl, I wanted to be an astronaut. I also wanted to be a scientist and do experiments in a lab. I got those ideas from watching TV. Back then my family’s financial situation was challenging. Given our limited resources, television was my window to the world. One of my regular activities was watching the space shuttles launches with my grandmother. My grandmother was the one who planted in me the idea of higher education before I even started school, partly because it was her own personal dream. Furthermore, she was the most supportive person throughout my career. She was passionate about learning and passed this on to me. While in elementary school, I signed up for as many extracurricular activities as I could. But even so, I wanted …show more content…

However, my family’s daily schedule was already complicated enough. Without anything to feed my interests, my attitudes toward school changed. By the time I reached the 10th grade, I had lost my aspirations. I was still excelling in math and science mostly because it would come out naturally. For my junior year, I went to a new school. Because of my A in geometry, the school principal enrolled me in advanced math. I did not know what this meant until I showed up to class the next day. I was lost and felt like a complete outsider. What is more, my classmates seemed to know everything while I had no clue of what was going on. As a result, and for the first time in my life, I got an F on a test. At the beginning this appeared to be a curse. Yet, it turned out to be the key to my future. The teacher’s encouragement incentivized me to work harder and consequently my grades began …show more content…

I relocated and became a substitute teacher while I thought things through. During this time, I worked mostly with children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Soon I realized that there was a lot in common between these children and me. Aware of the setbacks and the opportunities I had during my school years and later my engineering career, I thought I could make a difference if I became a teacher for at least a few years. Little had changed since I was a young girl. The chances for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds with inclinations towards STEM to develop their abilities are limited and these chances decrease even more when students are English language

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