The life I have had so far has taught me a lot about academic and life skills; from when I was about six to the age I am now. I am always learning and happy to learn new things. I might not know what I want right now, but I do know that I want something for my life; I want to go to college, so I could make the future I see happen. As you 're reading this you 're probably asking yourself why? Why does going and graduating college mean so much to her? What makes her different from all the others? Well, to answer all those questions you would have to continue reading as I explain some of the moments in my life, in which they brought me to the conclusion that I have to go to college. When I was little my mother was with my brothers’ dad and she wasn 't the best mother. I think that I am the way I am today because of how she was and I knew I did not want to be like that. A lot of my …show more content…
The only person in my family that went to college after high school was my grandmother. I do not want to be just another family member to not go to college; I do not want to give up my dreams, because I do not have the education for them. I want to be able to say I did it for me, for my dreams. In the paragraph above I explained a little about my life when I was little and what that taught me was that life doesn 't always go as you might want it to; with that in mind college would be my choice, it would be what I want. The reasons I want to go to college may not seem significant enough to you, but too me they mean so much more than what you will understand. There is this quote, I do not know who said it, but I think it means a lot; “ You were born to be real, not to be Perfect”, this quote works perfectly with what I am trying to tell you. I believe that everyone should live by that quote. I am not going to tell you what I think you want to hear, but what I believe you need to
Is college worth it? Is college worth the time and energy you invest? This is a question that many students ask themselves as the cost of college rises and jobs are harder to find. As a 27 year, old college student myself I really thought about this question. I had to think back when I first started college at the age of 18 and how I was excited about starting college. I easily got tired of all the work that it took to get the degree so I dropped out. After having my first child and trying to work and take of her and myself with only making minimal wages, barely get by that when I knew college is worth it. A college education is one of the most reliable paths to financial success for students and gives the opportunity
Being the first one to attend college in my family has pushed me to continue my education. Now in today’s society a college degree is so important. I want my parents to be proud of me, and be happy with my high level career after college, and that starts with my education. I also hope to be an influence on my younger brother and show him that a college education is important. He looks up to me, and I need to be a good role model for him. I truly just want to get the best education and job for myself worth and make myself happy.
I finally, after five years of pondering this, dove into college. I want to make a better life for myself. Be better able to support myself. I believe when absolutely needed, you can find the courage deep down to do what needs to be done. I believe people who love you will support you and others don’t matter. I believe you must do what you need to do to have self-confidence, and self-esteem. I believe you can find within yourself the courage to do something for yourself when it truly
Everyone has their own reasons for wanting a college education. Popular reasons for attending college include being able to obtain a better paying job, increase future earning potential, gain training for a specific career, and learning more about a specific topic of interest. Rampell, C. (2015) My reasons are more personal than either of the reasons listed. I do not wish to miss out on significant opportunities that have the potential to enrich my life and future. If there is anything in my life that I would regret it would be not pursuing my college education. As we get older life happens and the list of things we wish we could have done gets longer. Knowing that it is never too late to accomplish my goals is strong motivation to shorten the list of should haves. Obtaining a college education is important to me because I will have a strong sense of accomplishment for setting a goal that is important to me and seeing it through to the end. I also enjoy challenges and feel inspired by the endless possibilities for my future.
People have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an education is important for them. Some people go to college because that is what is expected of them, and others go because they have nothing else better to do. However, I am interested in going to college and obtaining a good education because it will benefit my family, my country, and me.
“A good education is a foundation for a better future.” ~ Elizabeth Warren. The reasoning behind why I want to go to college is to better my future. I am considered one of the first generation in my family to go to college, putting a lot of meaning behind why I believe I should go on to a different path. From a very young age I have always held high expectations of myself, even of the numerous changes in careers I had obtained an interest in. I have always envisioned myself going to college because I certainly value education. I believe that the more education I receive, the more valuable I am to this generation of the work force. Not only does my passion of learning hold place in the reasoning behind why I want to go to college, but because of my role models growing up. My parents both encourage me on a daily basis to go to college, and have encouraged my initiative to seek more in life. My father once explained that he once had this opportunity to receive a free ride to college but decided to stay home and start a family. He of course never looked back or regretted his decision because if not I wouldn 't be here today, but he encouraged me to take on these amazing offers and
My primary reason for going to college is to have a higher chance for a more fulfilling future. I am getting my degree to be able to have a career in something I’m truly interested in, so I can have a job I won’t get tired of attending every day. Working minimum wage with long hours just to pay the rent isn’t the kind of life I look forward too. Just the thought of being successful by doing something I love is enough motivation to continue going to school and pursuing my degree; not many people get to say that they’ve accomplished that. Getting this degree will not only prepare me for my future job, but I will be qualified to get one as soon as I graduate.
As high school students, most of us were taught the dream of going to college from the importance that it has. The real life examples from our friends teach us the importance of going to college. If you drop out of college you may lose yourself, your family, and your friends. One of my friends dropped out of college because he had a bad friendship. So, they convinced him not to go to the school, but when he grew up he realized that the college was the most important thing in his life.
In “Should Everyone Go to College?” Isabel Sawhill and Stephanie Owen make a strong valid point on whether or not college is for everyone. For many students ready to leave high school, wondering whether they should attend college is an issue that may lay heavy on one teenagers mind. There are a few factors that could be a difficult decision depending on a person’s goal they are working towards. Some students jump right into the workforce after high school. Others may sign up for the military after graduation. While these are different options, research says higher education is very important. Higher education provides opportunity for students that attend college are giving a good shot of a better career later in life. Approaching graduation, a student might find themselves asking, “Why is it important to go to college?” The answer is that education is the most important growing factor in the growth of our country. Obtaining a college degree is a
I have a couple reasons why I feel like college is not for everyone. A lot of people like to do their own thing. Some people really only go to college to make their parents proud. College can be beneficial, but everyone isn’t going because they feel college is just another stage of high school. Some people can only go so far in high school to the point where they feel college isn’t worth going. I would go to college, but I don’t need it because Job Corps is giving me the chance to earn a skill. I could further my education but what I know already and will soon know more about is going to keep me going in life. College is not for everyone. I have a couple reasons why I feel like college is not for everyone. A lot of people like to do their
College is a very important thing. If you go to college you will most likely get better pay in your career. Also, with a college degree, you have more opportunities. I believe that everyone should go to college. If you don’t go to college and just go into some job and that fails then you have no backup plan. A college graduate is more likely to be offered employment than another who didn’t attend college, if you have a college degree you will make more money in your lifetime than someone who doesn’t have a degree, if you are considering having children having a college degree is very beneficial to them, you have a higher chance of having better health yourself, college is very beneficial, and if you go to college you will have a better social
Many years ago I remember my parents telling me that in order for me to become successful a college education was a must. They always told me that if I wasn’t in school I could no longer live at home. Both of my parents attended college but neither of them finished. They did not want me to go down that same road because they really regret not getting their degrees.
The main reason why I am attending college is to make a better life for myself. Now, I realize that this is a very vague thing to explain, so let’s look into this a little further. For starters, I want to be able to always support myself without the support of a man, or anyone else for that matter. I have done a pretty good job of that thus far, and I would like to keep it that way. One day I would like to get married and have children. I want to be able to give my children a good life growing up like I had. I believe that a good way to accomplish this is to go to school and get a good job to be able to give them what they need and deserve out of life at a young age. I also want to have a purpose for my life. I guess that this is my long term goal, you could say. I want to be able to tell people “this is what I do for a living, this is my purpose and I plan on doing this for the rest of my life.”
College is going to start my own life on a foot that is ready to leap because my career is going to take off right out of the gate. All-in-all I’m going to college for three main reasons. My immediate family is a reason because I want them to be proud of me for doing something right for once. My future family is also one because it’s a big part of my life that I want to be happy and always feel comfortable. Finally for my personal financial well-being, so I can be able to treat myself to all the luxuries I want for myself. Going back to line one, all of these things are a part of my future. Isn’t that what college is for after all, to prepare people for their own futures and what they bring? A university is not my future, it’s only the beginning of it.
As a child, I had it in my mind that going to college wasn't even a choice. It was just something that happened. I never asked myself if I was going to go, I only ever questioned where I would attend, and how I would get there. I'm not exactly sure where this idea of a mandatory college degree came from considering no one in my immediate family graduated from college, yet the idea seemed to be branded into my head. As I’ve gotten older, that idea has shifted into a reality.