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Stress management
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In order to talk about the strategies to cope with stress and the effects stress has on people, we need to know what stress is. Stress is a negative emotional states, happening in responses to events that are are perceived as physically or mentally a person’s ability to cope. There are three types of effects on stress; physical, emotional, and cognitive. The first one I want to discuss about is physical effects of stress. Walter Cannon recognized the endocrine system, which is the system of the glands that is located throughout everyone’s body, that produce hormones into the bloodstream. And what he did was involve the flight-or-fight response, that is someone having a psychological reaction that happens in response to a sense of something …show more content…
Richard Lazarus thought of the cognitive appraisal model of stress is a evaluation on how we experience stress and see how much we depend on our mental judgement. Cognitive is the mental pursuits involved in using or obtaining knowledge. More so having daily hassles and burnouts throughout someone’s day. Daily hassles are everyday events or occasions that could annoy or bother a person. Such as; concerns about one’s weight or concerns about not having enough money for the week. It could be having an issue with too many interruptions or having too much workload or realizing failing a class could be happening. This is all connected to mental illness and having unhealthy behavioral issues. A burnout is more so about having an unhealthy condition created by prolonged stress of work, causing exhaustion and having a feeling of failure, some have a sense of reduced productivity. People develop a negative attitude toward their work environment. This all is happening inside, the emotions of people get the best of them. Becoming over powered by stress, slowly shutting down, mainly college students have this problem going on as a daily. On the other hand there is emotional effects on stress. There are chronic negative emotions, that are linked with poor health may deal with stress more intensely with daily hassles. But there are also positive emotions, being calm and relaxing with certain situations. In all honesty, it really depends on how a person wants to handle the stress that is handed to them, Either they can be optimistic or pessimistic. Stress can give someone minor setbacks but that doesn’t mean to stop and accept
Stress, as defined as a reaction to a stimulus that breaks our physical and mental harmony, is ubiquitous. However, stress has two sides – the bad and the good, in which the latter is mostly overlooked as most people suffer from the affliction of the former.
Stress has various effects on the body, both psychological and physiological. Stress can have positive effects on the body and can be beneficial, but frequent stress will eventually cause negative effects on the body.
Stress means different things to different people and stress effects people in different ways. Some people think stress is something that happens to them such as an injury or a promotion and others think that stress is what happens to our mind, body and behaviors in response to an event. While stress does involve events and how one responds to them these are not the critical factors, but our thoughts about the situation in which we are involved are the critical factors. Essentially, stress exists whenever homeostasis is disturbed or cannot be maintained (Stress and the Social System Course Guide, 2013). Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to keep the internal chemical and physical environments constant. As your body begins to react to stress several changes occur. These changes include increased heart rate, blood pressure and secretion of stimulatory hormones. Ones body prepares itself in stressful situations to either stand ground and fight or to flee from the situation. Walter Cannon called this stressful reaction the fight-or-flight response (Greenberg, 2012).
Stress is the combination of psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions. Most people have a response to events that challenge or threaten them. Stress good and bad. Good stress is called eustress.
Pressure turns into stress when individuals feel they are unable to cope with the situation. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be a positive challenge to someone else. Many of life’s demands can cause stress such as work, relationships and financial issues. When individuals feel stressed, it can obstruct them from dealing with demands, or can affect everything an individual does (Choices, 2016d). Stress can have a big impact both emotionally and physically. There are two ways people can portray signs of stress, psychological and physiological. Stress can affect how individuals feel, think, behave and how the body works. Psychological signs of stress can include: irritation, frustration, confusion, forgetfulness, anxiety, bad habits, headaches, behavioural signs of stress which can include avoiding others or decreased contact with family or friends and depression. Physiological signs of stress can include: heart palpitations, inflammation, insomnia physical tension, headaches and digestive problems. These stress hormones are released to enable an individual to deal with pressure or threat of "fight or flight" response. The theorist Walter Cannon 1920 developed the fight or flight response also known as ‘acute stress response.’ Stress is a biological and psychological response experienced when faced with a threat that people do not have the resources to deal with. The flight or flight response is a surge of hormone; adrenaline which is produced by glands located in the kidneys, which are released into the bloodstream. It is the response of the sympathetic nervous system to a stressful event and therefore, preparing the body to fight or flee. This can include an increased metabolism and heart rate, increase blood flow to the brain and muscles, erect hairs, raised sugar levels,
"Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to both good and bad experiences which can be beneficial to your health and safety." (8 Ways Stress Is More Dangerous Than You Think) Everyone 's body responds to stress by releasing hormones, also, you brain receives more oxygen. Stress starts to occur when we become worried about a task or responsibilities we face. Major stress is called chronic stress. It can cause symptoms that can affect your health in a larger way. Some people may say that they succeed more under stress, but sadly, that’s rarely the case. Research has shown that "stress makes a person more likely to make mistakes" (Stress Symptoms, Signs, & Causes). For most people, stress is extremely normal for them that they don 't see it as anything but ordinary. However, stress can motivate someone while under pressure and even get you through a tough or dangerous
What is stress? Stress is state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress can from depression, work, and much more. One doctor says, “Stress is a silent disease.”
Stress is a natural occurrence that most every person will experience at some point in his or her life. A stressor, as defined by Potter, Perry, Stockert, and Hall (2013), is any kind of event or situation that a person encounters in their environment that requires him or her to change and adapt. When a person responds to stress, his or her coping mechanisms and actions are individualized. No two people are going to handle stressful situations and cope with experiences the same exact way. Each person is unique and has his or her own customized way of dealing with stress. While some people are very open and honest about what they are dealing with, others keep their feelings bottled up. I find this topic so
Stress is defined in the dictionary as “state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life”. Everyone encounters stress in their life caused by many different variables in life and we all cope with in different ways. The way one copes with the stress is how it can affect our body. Some take to working out, eating healthy, take breaks from what is stressing you out and getting plenty of sleep which are good ways to cope with it. Some take to other coping mechanisms that are not very great for the body. Some examples are stress eating, abuse of drugs and alcohol, bottling up the stress, and depression. These bad methods can cause serious damage to one’s health on the body.
Stress has been viewed as a stimulus or response. It can be viewed as a stimulus when it arises from catastrophic event (tornadoes and earthquakes), major life events (getting married, moving) or chronic circumstances (living in disturbing environment). Hans Selye “assumed that critical life events, regardless of their specific (e.g., positive or negative) quality, stimulate change that produces challenge to the organism.“(H.W.Khrone, 2002). Stress can be seen as a response when somebody answers to a particular situation. Two types of response can be: physiological or psychological.
Stress is in our everyday lives. We allow things such as the way we live, school, work, family, relationships etc to stress us out. Some people deal with stress way different from others. Some may know how to cope with stress better than others. We allow stress to take a major toll over our lives when we are suppose to fight it, but a lot of people can’t do that. Stress makes you act and do things that are not like yourself. Stress is a negative word; it comes in all different shapes and forms.
The connection between stressors and stress responses, however, is not as straight forward as it may seem. Mediating processes, for instance, stand in between stressors and stress responses. Whether stressors lead to stress responses depends on mediating processes like how people appraise potential stressors and how well people are able to cope with the negative impact of stressors. Furthermore, a number of moderating factors, such as personality traits and health habits, influence the the links between stressors and stress responses. These mediating processes and moderating factors help determine whether people experience stress-related problems like burnout, mental disorders, and physical illness and are the focus of many stress management techniques that emphasize cognitive-behavioral approaches, relaxation, exercise, diet and nutrition, and medication.
Stress is defined as “any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities” (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 72). Stress is a natural event that exists literally in all areas of one’s life. It can be embedded in the environment, culture, or perception of an event or idea. Stress is a constant burden, and can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. However stress can also provide beneficial effects; it can satisfy one’s need for stimulation and challenge, promote personal growth, and can provide an individual with the tools to cope with, and be less affected by tomorrow’s stress (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 93).
Stress is the feeling of being mentally tired or it refers to the mental tiredness of an individual. When we feel exhausted, we feel stress. When we have so much in mind, we feel stress. When we overthink situations and many many things, we feel really stressed out. How can we avoid or even overcome stress? We have our own habits and strategies in coping with stress. But, a book entitled Stress Free Life by Gary A. Yupangco. His book discusses and tackles all abut stress, of how we can determine stress and how do we get stress. This book will also teach us the more effective ways in coping with stress and how to overcome them.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events or situations that cause them to feel tension, pressure or negative emotions such as anxiety or anger (Patel, 15). Other people may view stress as a process involving a person’s interpretation and response to a threatening event. In any case, stress has many facets of how one perceives and responds to the certain predicament that is ailing them.