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Have one ever wanted to make an impact on a student or even adult’s life? With a passion to help others, Coaches teach, lead, and mentor athletes about sports and life lessons.
Coaches train athletes to compete as a team or individually. Coaches working in high schools are responsible for coaching one or more of the school’s sports team. In larger schools one may coach one sport. These sports may be football, basketball, baseball, hockey, skiing, wrestling, soccer, and swimming depending on the school’s sports programs. High school coaches are part of the teaching staff. The head coach often has to locate assistant coaches. The head coach is responsible for supervising the team and other coaches. A team’s coach is responsible for getting the entire team ready to play and compete in games, tournaments, and championships, but first must teach them the fundamentals of the sport. A Coach does not only teach athletes skill, but also about good sportsmanship and teamwork. The all-time goal for a head coach is to win a state championship. He or she is responsible for putting together the team with the best athletes in the school. The head coach is also responsible for putting together schedules. Coaches sometime host tryouts at the beginning of the year depending on the sport and size of the school. Coaches are always under a ton of pressure. They have the whole community depending on them to win at that sport. Fans will always talk bad when the team is losing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment of coaches to increase much faster than the average for all occupations through 2022.
High School Coaches working full time in most school systems are required to have a minimum of a four-year college degree. A master’s degre...

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...ingle poor season can lead to a coach losing his or her job.
Sometimes a teen or even an adult needs that positive role model in their life. In order to have a positive impact, Coaches must teach, lead, and mentor students about sports and life lessons.

Works Cited

Athletic Coaches, career information Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,
2014-15 Edition, Coaches and Scouts,

"Coach (High School)." Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry . Third Edition ed. 2004.

"Manager/Coach." The 50 Coolest Jobs In Sports. Third Edition ed. 1997.

"Secondary School Teachers ." Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. Fifteenth
Edition ed. 2011.

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