Coach Carter Ethos

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Coach Carter; a Man on a Mission Coach Carter is a true inspirational story about a coach who was able to turn a whole basketball program around and help a group of young men succeed throughout high school and even on to college. It all started out with a man named Ken Carter, a man who was well known in the town of Richmond, California. He was a two sport all American and he holds records for the most assists, rebounds, and points at Richmond High School and he has lived there all of his life, he even owns a small sports store in town. But this ordinary man would have an extraordinary effect on some young teenage boys’ lives.
Throughout the plot of the movie, Coach Ken and his players faced major adversities such as when Timo’s cousin got …show more content…

Personally it connected to me with pathos by the way Coach Carter always believed that academics always comes before athletics regardless of the situation. It shows ethos by being based on a true story that actually happened. Finally, it shows logos in my opinion by showing a group of young men fighting through adversity and being successful which didn’t seem to happen much in the town of Richmond.
Ken Carter learned that everything doesn’t always go as planned and never goes exactly how you want it to. Coach Carter knew it was going to be hard, but I don’t think he knew it would be this hard. He never gave up and continued chasing his goal of making this kids successful. The players also learned that nothing is ever handed to them. If they want to be successful they’ll have to work for it. Coach Carter made them work in the classroom and on the court. It helped these young men develop necessary life …show more content…

Not only Coach Carter, but all the players especially Kenyon and Timo. The director showed Kenyon growing up in the ghetto town, with his girlfriend, who seemed to have pushed him to have a baby with her. Which he wasn’t really ready for and is really nervous about starting this family at such a young age. He also thinks that playing college ball and having a family at the same time isn’t the best option. It doesn’t not show a whole lot about Timos family life, but more about his life on the streets and his social life. In one scene it showed Timo jumping out of a car with a gun acting like he was going to rob some of his teammates, Worm and Lyle. They also showed one of the big scenes of the movie. Which is the scene when Timo’s cousin gets shot and killed, while Timo is walking across the street to meet him. Then Timo shows up at Coach Carter’s house with blood all over him crying. It was a heartbreaking scene and played a big role in Timo wanting to come back to the team. Coach Carter lets him come back to the team not only because of the incident, but also to help Timo in his time of need even if it was his second time leaving the team. He wanted what was best for him and his

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