The movie Dead Presidents is a Drama film. The Film has a wide variety of actors which included Larenz Tate(Antony Curtis), Chris Tucker(Skip) ,Keith David(Kirby) and Freddy Rodriguez(Jose) and N’Bushe Wright(Delilah Benson). In the Film Larenz Tate is the main character who plays Antony Curtis who is a young man fresh out of high school working two jobs one as a milkman and the other as a hustle man taking numbers. After graduating high school he realized if he stayed in Bronx his surroundings would bring him down. While working numbers for Kirby who is his boss he realizes that he needs to get away. Skip is Antony best friend who also graduated high school with him. He also has to make the decision to leave Bronx or stay and be brought down by the streets. Kirby who is the boss of Antony is an drug dealer and gambler who owns a little …show more content…
bar in the Bronx. Jose who also graduated high school with Antony is also trying to get out of the Bronx. Delilah Benson who is a main character later on in the film is trying to make money to survive. The production company that produce the film was Hollywood Pictures and Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes. The Hughes brothers also directed the film. The film was written by Michael Henry Brown. The director of photography was Lisa Rinzier. The film is one of my favorite films because the film talked about key issues in society during that time. One of main reason why I like the film was because I could easily relate to the main character and the plot. The movie was very powerful in its way to bring in the Vietnam War and the struggle of the ghetto. I like the film because it covered key issues like the struggle of war veterans coming back from war and being abandoned by the U.S government. The film had some great actors in the movie which included Larenz Tate and Chris Tucker. The film opened my eyes and gave me a different outlook on the Vietnam War. The film showed me that even though war is going on the rest of society life is still the same. The part of the movie that made me fall in love with the movie is the part when we see Chris Tucker(Skip) overdosed on his sofa watching TV. This part of the movie made me realized that all Skip had in his life after war was drugs. Before going to war he has all the girls but when he leaves nobody is there for him. Another favorite part of the film is when they robbed the bank. That part of the film was excited and gave more life to the film. That part of the film was very similar to the scene in the movie when they were in Vietnam. The directors showed that trying to survive in America is hard but trying to survive in America while being a black during this time was harder. When I first saw the movie I thought the movie was about getting money because it was called Dead Presidents.
After watching the movie a second time it gave me a better understanding about life decisions that the characters had to make out of high school which would affect their life for the rest of their life. Even though the characters went to war to serve their country, they still were not accepted by society when they came back to the United States. The film showed me that drugs had a negative effect on society and was destroying the United States. The film also showed me that the Vietnam War was one of the worst wars in American History. I had a better understanding of life the film made me realize that life is not promise and make the right decisions. The way that African Americans were betrayed in the movie, I didn’t like because they were betrayed in a negative and never positive. The Actors in the movie were either Pimps, Number Runners or Drug dealers. The main character on the other hand did something positive with his life but by the end of the movie we realize that wasn’t good enough and society brings him
down. Even though he served his country and got honorable discharge, by the end the film we see the main character get life in prison for being a part of a robbery. The main character is looking out the bus of the window thinking what could have been if he made right decision. The theme of the movie reflects the outcome of the movie.
...he movie is deep into getting the point across in the discrimination between the black soldiers and the white commanders, it addresses the audience with the issue that everyone was going through. At the end of the day, the Massachusetts 54th wanted to win the war white or black, friends or not. The audience gets a look into a reenactment of the Civil war and the look at how difficult it was to train the black soldiers. They also get to see their dedication and how these African American men wanted in any way to serve their country.
James Garfield is one of the lesser known presidents of the 45 that have successfully been inaugurated. Yet, he is significant along with three presidents: Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. They were all assassinated while in office. This list doesn’t include Theodore Roosevelt because he survived the attempted assassination and was out of office by then. James Garfield was assassinated by Charles Guiteau, but the bullet didn’t kill him. The lack of medical support given to Garfield after the accident is what led to his death on September 19th, 1881, in Elberon NJ,
“There will be great presidents but there will never be another Camelot” -Jackie Kennedy, the 35th First Lady to John F. Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy and many other people refer to John F. Kennedy's short term presidency to Camelot due to his rise and fall. Therefore, the Kennedy mystique, his domestic policy, and foreign policy are a modern example of Camelot.
The strikingly accurate portrayal of the life of an African American family in the 1950’s did a great job of keeping the interest up. The director’s mise-en-scene gave the film a believability that is rarely achieved. They did this through the well staged apartment that the film takes place in for the majority of the screen time. The cramped and cluttered home sets the stage for the actors in the film to truly live into their characters. The actors did a brilliant job of portraying the wide breadth of emotions in this film. Their engaging personalities kept the film alive and vibrant the
For the most part, reviews are positive and praise this film. I completely agree with them, this film informed me of an issue I wasn’t even aware had occurred. Before watching this film and taking this class, I was naive, I believed that after we had gained our supposedly “equal rights” everything was okay. Now, I have realized the struggles Chicanos have had to face, my eyes have been opened to these injustices and made me aware that many are still occurring today. This film and class has inspired me to take action against these injustices and stand up for what I believe in.
The book Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot was written by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard and is based upon the life and death of the 35th President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Although it is a biography of his life, it’s main subject is to describe his presidency leading up until his assassination. The book describes the hardships of his presidency both political and personal. It describes the enemies he forms while in office such as the leader of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev, and Cuba, Fidel Castro, it also describes his difficult relationships with CIA Director Allen Dulles as well as with his own Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. The book describes the major foreign and domestic issues he faces throughout
...they deserved something positive in return. These people in Rosewood suffered because of the color of their skin and not anything else. I have realized that I am lucky to have the choices I have in my education, and athletics, and I am grateful to be able to play basketball for my school—as back in the times that they lived, they were simply lucky to be alive and did not have any choice in sports to play or fun to have. They simply worked for white people, and tried to stay away from death. They were not given the chances that I have today. This movie gave me a new, grateful and thankful view on the society I live in today.
This movie was a tale of an immigrant seeking money and power who untimely set up his own demise. The producers did a good job at pointing out certain features that let you into the life of an organized crime leader. He tells of his humble beginnings and shows you in details how he rose to the top. The producer had a point to make and I took that point as being you can never get and stay someone good while being bad. The sound effects and graphics also makes this movie. They show just enough to intrigue you but yet not to completely make you sick to your stomach. The music is very telling and
This movie was inspiring and encouraging to anyone who is struggling with something. Overcoming his controversies in life became the main point of the movie. Knowing that this movie was based upon a true story inspires the people even more.
I have always believed that all races have their good and bad. Their is never going to be the perfect race. This movie definitely set a powerful message that life is not perfect for any race and that even though people are from different cultures, they are all interconnected somehow. The filmmakers did a great job at showing us that individuals should not be based on first impressions such as skin color or the social status.
...oung American men had to endure from the time that they had joined back in their boot camp days, and the brutality of war that showed them no mercy. To me the importance of the movie was to show what truly went on over in Vietnam through the eyes of a soldiers eyes of what happened, as the film created a very disturbing yet a real picture of The Vietnam War.
The movie teaches us to look beyond the cover and into who someone is as a person. We also learn that sometimes contact with people makes us reconsider our judgement towards them, to find out the real person underneath.
The book and the movie were both very good. The book took time to explain things like setting, people’s emotions, people’s traits, and important background information. There was no time for these explanations the movie. The book, however, had parts in the beginning where some readers could become flustered.
Many of the readings we had this semester has given me a better outlook on the society I know today. Mainly, the most obvious characteristics of people, race. Race: The power of an Illusion, allowed me to understand the construction of a complex distinction of people. These distinctions and classifications created a divide in humanity, and re-enforced a system that not only favored the white race, but embedded a virus of hatred for colored people to succumb for future generations. The man made term and meaning of race is a important tool that the white elite used to oppress non-whites. It 's in this film, which provides us with there ridiculous claims of black bodies inferiority and theorized inevitability of extinction. False scientific theories
This movie is a wonderful production starting from 1960 and ending in 1969 covering all the different things that occurred during this unbelievable decade. The movie takes place in many different areas starring two main families; a very suburban, white family who were excepting of blacks, and a very positive black family trying to push black rights in Mississippi. The movie portrayed many historical events while also including the families and how the two were intertwined. These families were very different, yet so much alike, they both portrayed what to me the whole ‘message’ of the movie was. Although everyone was so different they all faced such drastic decisions and issues that affected everyone in so many different ways. It wasn’t like one person’s pain was easier to handle than another is that’s like saying Vietnam was harder on those men than on the men that stood for black rights or vice versa, everyone faced these equally hard issues. So it seemed everyone was very emotionally involved. In fact our whole country was very involved in president elections and campaigns against the war, it seemed everyone really cared.