Cnl Reflection Report

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Progress with Clinical
I have completed my first 24 hour clinical rotation hours thus far in the CNL program. It is an exciting accomplishment but just the beginning of my journey to becoming a Clinical Nurse Leader. “The CNL brings evidenced-based practice to the bedside, creates a culture of safety, and provides quality care” (Denisco & Barker, 2016, p. 7). In this course I was able to witness how the CNL role can accomplish that through exposure to CNL competencies. Being as though it was my first clinical rotation I observed more than I actually was able to apply and demonstrate during this clinical experience. I, however, must say that many of the CNL competencies I observed were similar to the roles I perform on other units of the hospital as a charge nurse, in particular, the role of clinician, outcomes manager, and advocate. I did not receive much exposure to the CNL …show more content…

The biggest lesson I learned is that to be a CNL I must commit to becoming a lifelong learner. As a CNL I will promote lifelong learning and professional development (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2016). It will be my job to manage a microsystem of patients and monitor their outcomes by implementing the latest evidenced-based practices. Not only am I, as a CNL, responsible for the patients of the microsystem but also for the professionals of the microsystem. This includes being an educator of the staff and interdisciplinary team. This first clinical experience provided me with an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Clinical Nurse Leader role. I must have the willingness to want to learn and the drive to seek further knowledge independently as I progress through the program. My goal is continue to learn and grow as a future CNL every day and take on new challenges at my new clinical site so that I can obtain the best learning experience

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