Clinical Rotation Reflection

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I had a best clinical rotation so far. In mid-May I started thinking how I will make this rotation the most effective and productive learning experience. Therefore, I stared asking myself how it is important to understand the pathophysiology of diseases process. This would help in patients teaching and it also helps me understating how it can leads to other disease processes. I decided several things I have to focus on the proper medication administration, charting and patients comfort level. I always check and ensure that the right patient, right route, right drug, right dose, and right time. I always tell myself these are very important to remember before I administrate medication. My first rotation stared at Dickson. I had learned many things and obtained the first hand of experience of the small hospital. Where are not many patients admitted and needed routine medication administration on the floor as bigger facility does. How I have learned at this small hospital was how respiratory therapist collaborated with other caregivers when patient admitted at emergency room. There were many patients who admitted at ER when I was there, but many of them end up transferring to other bigger facility where a patient can get more cares. Other things experienced how there was a lot of …show more content…

It was different experience at NICU; I realized how it is very helpful and important to care for babies. Babies are not capable of telling you their concern and how they feel. It is up too caregivers having the knowledge of the neonate disease process and being update with what is the most effective and methods of providing support to preterm neonate. I have seen how the collaborations are helpful and important among RT, nurses, and doctors at NICU. Effective communication with family also very vital, and giving education for family the process of neonate growing and how to take care them at home upon discharge from

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