Nicu nursing

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There are more than 70% of premature babies that are born between 34 and 36 weeks gestation a year. When a baby is born early, or born with birth defects, the Neonatal Intensive Care unit is its first home. The nurse’s in the NICU have the difficult job of preparing baby’s and parents for a health life together. A baby who has been put into the NICU will stay there until it is healthy enough to go home. According to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, “In the United States, nearly thirteen percent of babies are born preterm, and many of these babies also have a low birth weight.” The baby may be put into the NICU for varies reasons. However, the most common reason that a child is put into the NICU is because he or she is premature. Premature means the baby was born before the 36 weeks. It is never good for a baby to be born early, as this could mean that the baby is not fully developed. There are other factors as to why a child may need to be put into the NICU after birth. For instance, birth defects can be the cause of why a baby is put into the NICU. A baby may be born with an infection such as herpes or chlamydia which can damage the newborns immune system at such a young age. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia can also cause an infant to be put into the NICU. Some maternal factors of why a baby may be put into the NICU is if the mother is “younger than 16 or older than 40.” If the parent may be an alcoholic or expose the baby to drugs, this can put the child into NICU care. If the parent has an STD or sexual transmitted disease, the baby is most likely going to have to be put into the intensive care unit. “Twins, triplets, and other multiples are often admitted into the NICU, as they tend to be born earlier and s... ... middle of paper ... ...U is a very important factor in a preemie or a baby born birth defects life. Works Cited Colleges and Careers - Career Education - Salaries - Job Descriptions. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford LPCH: Northern California Children's Hospital. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . Parenting Magazine Offers Parenting Advice and Insights about Child Development. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . Preemies - Premature Birth, Parenting Preemies, NICU, and Preemie Milestones. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . Prematurity - Preemie Baby Preemie Child. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . Web. 01 Apr. 2011. .

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