Labor and Delivery Nursing

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Labor and Delivery Nursing A labor and delviery nurse has vast knowledge of the process and methods that are required for delivery and bring a new life into the world and is educated with the responsibilities of assiting the new born babies with their medical issues. Considering all the responsibilites needed to take on this career, such as assisting women with complications within the pregnancy, delivering a newborn and managing post birth issuses, the nurse must be professional in his or her work at all times. All people wishing to pursue the career of being a Labor and Delivery Nurse must also have good analytical skills, as part of there job to montior and analyze the mother and child ( The nursing field is always constantly growing, with people wanting to persue the career of bring new life into the world. To start this career people have to have a certain amount of education to learn about the job and how to do it. Starting early is always a great thing to keep in mind when thinking about the future. Author Kate Prudchenko says “Students in high school can prepare for these programs by taking core science courses like chemistry and biology, or they may be able to start their associate’s degree coursework while completing their high school diploma.” Taking chemistry may help the student learn how to balance equations and understand exactly how to handle chemicals in the laboratory and understand how they work. By taking biology in high school can help students get use to analyzing prenatal development and reproductive systems or may even introduce laboratory work. Labor and Delivery nurses dont just need a scientific background but also a background in humanities and social sciences to better prepare... ... middle of paper ... ...e baby still seems to have too much fluid in his or hers mouth or nose, the nurse may do further suctioning at this time. At one and five minutes after birth, an Apgar assessment will be done to evaluate the baby's heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflex response, and color. If the baby is doing well, the mother and the baby will not be separated. The nurse will come in from time to time to change diapers, check the babies temperature, and perform other tasks while the baby spends time with his or her mother and father (B. C. Board). Labor and Delviery Nursing is a great career to pursue. The career comes with alot of knowledge but with time and patience, anybody can persue it. This job also comes with alot of responsibilities and takes alot of patience but bringing new life into the world can bring so much joy to ones life than anybody could ever imagine.

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