Civic Engagement Essay

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Increasing day by day is the focus towards civic engagement that plays an important role for the youth’s development. Civic engagement offers a better alternative that has the ability of producing more noticeable results. In this regard, the National Youth Policy (Government of Pakistan, 2008) does instruct the creation of a “National Youth Volunteer Corps”, though the policy arrangements for implementation remain poor. Therefore, further integration is required between educational programs and opportunities for the youth. As earlier discussed weak linkages between the youth and education policies are creating undesirable outcomes such as in employment opportunities. Political participation, social wellbeing etc. Capability Approach …show more content…

In Pakistan they is a lot of religious intolerance and violence which the public schools are not actually promoting, so it is important that policy makers respond to such issues in order to promote social tolerance. CA approach can be used as a tool to understand and evaluate such issues and can re-evaluate policies of education and youth. By reducing disparities in the population and giving access to education and its different levels will demand better policy formulation that recognizes this type of diversity within the youth. Policies should promote real freedom such as the learning needs of all children should be met through fair access to education quality that provides an outcome to enhance individual freedom. Also to consider is the difference in the educational programming and the outcomes coming from it such as the high rate of unemployment, the type of desired job one would want but does not get, and stagnation towards the socioeconomic growth. As discussed earlier youth and education policies are not intersecting in order to from desired polies and practices. Lack of integration among diverse ethnicities is preventing Pakistan to shape its citizenry into a collective body towards civic values and democratic

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