Christian Beliefs About Forgiveness

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Christian Beliefs About Forgiveness

Christians believe that forgiveness is there trade mark and is

essential that you call yourself a Christian.

Jesus had more to say about forgiveness than anything else through out

his teaching. So this shows us how important it is to us today. He

taught forgiveness and carried his teaching into his own life.

The old law of moses stated “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

and a life for a life”. but Jesus replaced this and said “love god

and love your neighbour as you love yourself”. this became known as

the golden rule.

Every action taken should be guided by these principals.

In the sermon on the mount Jesus also explained about loving enemy’s.

Jesus told his followers to love their enemy’s and to pray for them as


Jesus was making a great demand of his followers, there was to be no

revenge or retaliation but instead he said “love your enemy’s and pray

for those who persecute you. Forgiveness was to be the

characteristics of his followers. This love asks Christians to show

forgiveness to people who have offended you.

God also wants us to be forgiving people. Christians are guided by

what Jesus said or did through out his life.

He told many famous parables on forgiveness one of these is known as

‘the unmerciful servant’.

‘A man owed a great amount of talents to the king and was brought to

him. He was not able to pay so his family was to be sold to pay of

the dept. the servant begged and so the king called of the dept and

let him go. The servant then went out and seen one of the servants

who owed him a smaller amount so he went over to him and began to

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... Jesus on forgiveness it is not always

easy. It is natural not to forgive especially when it is a major

crime done to a member of your family like murder or rape.

People want to retaliate and look for revenge to get their own back.

Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do but there is no limit

to the forgiveness that God expects them to show.

But Jesus also said “forgive us out trespasses as we forgive those who

trespass against us”. this means that if someone has committed crime

or sin against you, you should forgive them and like wise they should

do the same. It goes by the saying “if someone strikes you on the

left cheek you turn the other”.

He set himself an example when he was on the cross and the soldiers

were beating him he said “father forgive them for they no not of what

they do”.

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