Childcare Personal Statement

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My choice to become a part of the childcare profession was not just made casually. This decision was the result of a thought process about what I wanted to do with my life. I finally took a career in childcare because I believe that it is one of the most important duties performed in the community. Within this profession, I hope to find both personal and professional accomplishment. Hence, it is my desire to be a part of a noble profession. I love to work with kids in the age group of 5 and under, as they are so innocent and curious. They interact with you and follow you as if you were one of the smartest person in the world. I believe that at this age children need a positive and enjoyable influence in their lives. I want to be that person …show more content…

By giving them knowledge that they didn’t know before and seeing them progress, is truly a rewarding experience. The second reason for choosing the profession is the enjoyment I get in working with the parents to help them recognise the strengths their children have. I also enjoy seeing how happy and satisfied the parents are when they know that they are leaving their kids in good hands and that their kids will be properly tended to. As children interact with the child care professional several hours a day, parents always look for persons of good influence who can help in the development of their child’s emotional, intellectual and social aspect. Therefore, the characteristics that a childcare worker must possess in order to be successful in the field is, having a positive outlook when working with children, being always patient with them, having excellent communication skills, being energetic both mentally and physically, being flexible in dealing with the young hearts, and being well informed. Further, a good childcare worker must have an honest and inborn interest for children, be compassionate to their needs, and must feel motivated to help them. Without the quality of being patience, childcare workers …show more content…

Young children always see their parents and teachers as role models. The way the parents and childcare workers act and react is how children will learn to do. Hence, whatever their role models say and do is reflected in how they will think about the world in future. As the greatest imitators are children, being a good role model is important in proper child development. Secondly, a childcare worker should always be a good listener to help in proper development of the children. Children should be always encouraged to talk whenever they come with some questions. However, what might sound silly to an adult, to a child is actually a very sincere question which needs to be correctly answered. If you develop open lines of communication with a child at an early age, then as they grow older, chances are these good habit will continue to grow. Giving the child the importance they deserve is another element of child development. Further, a childcare worker should enjoying nature together with children. Hence, teaching children to respect others as well as nature will make them treat the world as their own. This starts with teaching them something as simple as the proper place to throw away their trash instead of on the ground. Never the less, children need discipline in their lives. Hence, rules which need to be strict are sometimes needed to be enforced if we expect

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