Child Soldiers Kill Their Parents

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“Kill your parents.” That is what most child soldiers hear from a commander in order to show their loyalty to their leader. Which is not right under any circumstances. The only reason people do it is because they have issues with other people in the community, they know they will listen because the kids are young and vulnerable at the young age. Also they don't know that what they are doing is very wrong. But without a shadow of a doubt the child soldiers are designed to only one thing, kill.

First, most child soldiers are told to kill their parents. Their commander may tell them to do that in order to show loyalty to the military gang they support. Which is not fair to the children. They are being pulled into adult conflicts. And are given …show more content…

And their minds can be molded into what ever anyone wants them to be. So the little kids do not know what they are doing is wrong. In fact they take a sick pleasure in what they do because of their leaders. The real criminals are the leaders. The ones who forces the kids to perform the act are the ones that capture and terize the poor kids.

Finally the chiefs or commanders are the ones that need to handle their issues and problems with themselves. Which could be resolved with a friendly talk between the two opposing sides. This is not the case though. They would rather get young kids to do there dirty work. And get killed. If that wasn't already bad enough they let the kids get a bad reputation with the situation. It is not fair to the poor young kids that they will have to go through all of this alone. And not only that they should not have to go through it at all.

Opposers might say they perform the actions of killing in there own discretion. But that is false information. The kids are forced to kill. They are as young as nine years old. Anything an older person tells them to do they will try to do at the best of their abilities. But if they cause conflict or go against what the leader says they will be beaten senselessly until they

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