Child Development Essay

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Child development is study and research on children from conception to age 20. There are many different factors in defining what and why a child does something. For example if a mother has a disease or toxin while pregnant that causes damage to her fetus, this can affect the child’s abilities to properly develop. With my daughter being born at 26 gestational weeks I knew her chances of being delayed mentally, cognitively and physically, were greater than a child being born at full term. Family is another factor when looking at a child’s development. Did the child come from a blended family, a nuclear family or is the child living with relatives? These are all questions we as teaches and facilitators need to be aware of when evaluating a child. We also need to be aware of the child’s economic status. My youngest daughter went …show more content…

I have always known that I have a love for special education students. My daughter was born three months early and weighed less than two pounds. Having a daughter that was a micro preemie, I felt it was my obligation as her mother to read and try understanding how she grows and develops. My life became consumed with doctors, occupation therapists, physical therapist, and home teachers. I was surrounded by people that loved to study the development of children. Every one of those people that saw my daughter impacted my life. The care and compassion they showed for me, and things they taught me such as cognitive delays, and critical periods impacted me. At my daughters IEP meetings there would be several people in the room and all of them had different ideas on how to tech her. The collaboration of so many adults and collective theories everyone had was amazing. I knew that someday I would want to help others in my shoes. I am hoping to achieve the knowledge to be a better parent as well as role model for other parents with special

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